
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


BrianPeek starred 86Box/86Box
BrianPeek starred mkrueger/icy_tools
BrianPeek starred brenocq/implot3d
BrianPeek starred AndersBNielsen/Universal-Serial-Adapter
BrianPeek pushed 1 commit to update BrianPeek/EPROMEmu

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BrianPeek opened an issue on trapexit/3do-devkit
Linux compilers are 32-bit and require i386 arch install
NOTE: I'm definitely not a *nix guy, so this may all be nothing... I found that the Linux compilers would fail to run on WSL2, GitHub Actions, and probably elsewhere with the message of `cannot ...
BrianPeek opened a pull request on trapexit/3do-devkit
Change uint32_t and int32_t types to long
Update the definitions of `uint32_t` and `int32_t` to use `long` instead of `int` for better compatibility.
BrianPeek pushed 1 commit to master BrianPeek/3do-devkit
  • Change cstdint "32" type to long 1bd913e

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BrianPeek forked trapexit/3do-devkit


BrianPeek opened an issue on trapexit/3do-devkit
int vs. long in types_ints.h and cstdint
Hello! I'm probably missing something, but was curious why the "32" types in `types_ints.h` are declared as `long`, but the "32" types in `cstdint` are declared as `int`? I realize they're both 4...
BrianPeek starred GPF/dethrace
BrianPeek starred iliazeus/iso2god-rs
BrianPeek created a branch on BrianPeek/EPROMEmu

update - A very simple, likely very wrong (EP)ROM emulator using a Teensy 4.1 and Arduino/PlatformIO

BrianPeek starred dshadoff/PC-FX_devcart
BrianPeek starred kr239/Macintosh-SE-Reloaded
BrianPeek starred mwenge/tempest
BrianPeek starred Wack0/maciNTosh
BrianPeek starred davidly/ntvdm