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Benedicht closed an issue on Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues
HeartbeatManager causes CPU spikes
Unity 6000.0.26f1 BestHTTP 3.0.11 BestWebSockets 3.0.6 BestSignalR 3.0.3 I am creating a simulation which uses BestSignalR to get realtime position data. Everything runs smoothly except about...
Benedicht closed an issue on Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues
SignalR asmdef missing reference to MessagePack
With the latest version of the Best.SignalRCore package (installed via Package Manager) there's the new `MessagePackCSharpProtocol` class that is behind the define `BEST_SIGNALR_ENABLE_MESSAGEPACK_...
Benedicht closed an issue on Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues
HTTPUpdateDelegator.Instance is not well managed.
BestHTTP version: 3.0.11 Unity 2022.3.51f1 Platform: Android 1. HTTPUpdateDelegator.UnityApplication_WantsToQuit() is called in HTTPUpdateDelegator.OnDisable(). However the GameObject instance...
Benedicht created a comment on an issue on Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues
The intended method for these cases is to call `HTTPManager.Setup();`. HTTPManager glues thogether the plugin and coordinates it. `HTTPManager.Setup();` calls `HTTPUpdateDelegator.CheckInstance(...

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Benedicht closed an issue on Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues
Android proxy detector crashes if HTTPUpdateDelegator.Setup is not run
The android proxy detector class will crash the app if `HTTPUpdateDelegator.Setup` is not run before using it. Since the `Setup` method is not public, I had to do a workaround calling `SetThread...
Benedicht created a comment on an issue on Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues
Both OnUpdate calls and the HeartbeatManager are part of the larger ecosistem of the plugin, they are there to help maintain the state of the protocols. Most of the logic is run from these, like ha...

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Benedicht created a comment on an issue on Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues
You're receiving quite a large message from the server. First of all, i would try to reduce it. It also possible to use a binary-based encoder like [MessagePack-CSharp](https://bestdocshub.pages.d...

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Benedicht starred 0xFA11/GameNetworkingResources
Benedicht starred lucasg/Dependencies
Benedicht starred gui-cs/Terminal.Gui
Benedicht starred dotnet/csharplang
Benedicht starred bitwarden/server
Benedicht starred dotnet/roslyn
Benedicht starred AvaloniaUI/Avalonia
Benedicht starred dotnet/aspnetcore
Benedicht starred dotnet/runtime
Benedicht starred excalidraw/excalidraw
Benedicht starred microsoft/markitdown
Benedicht pushed 1 commit to main Benedicht/

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Benedicht starred nietras/Sep
Benedicht created a comment on an issue on Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues
Ohh, i think i copy-pasted from the old documentation for v2, and i might enabled it by default in v3... I'm going to update the documentation as well.

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Benedicht created a comment on an issue on Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues
Hmm, i'm going to check it. However, is there a reason you set it manually? The plugin already setting it to a `ProxyDetector` instance in its private static constructor. You should only set it if ...

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Benedicht created a comment on an issue on Benedicht/BestHTTP-Issues
> at Proxies.Autodetect.ProxyDetector.Detach () [0x00001] in ProxyDetector.cs:96 at Shared.HTTPManager.set_ProxyDetector (Proxies.Autodetect.ProxyDetector value) [0x00001] in HTTPManager.cs:80 at...

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Benedicht pushed 1 commit to main Benedicht/

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Benedicht starred dotpcap/packetnet
Benedicht starred xoofx/ultra
Benedicht starred jechter/boltprompt
Benedicht starred antonmedv/walk
Benedicht pushed 1 commit to main Benedicht/

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Benedicht pushed 1 commit to main Benedicht/

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