it is designed that the particle type is only accessable within the module. the external routines will have to use subrotines inside the particle module to access particle.
replace `1.d-16` with `epsilon(1.0_mytype)`. I would add this to the local data of subroutine, e.g.
real(mytype), parameter :: eps = epsilon(1.0_mytyp)
or you could make this a module v...
I am an MTech student and I am currently working on a code on ALM method in XCompact3D for a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT).
The code is modified for some endeffects model and s...
I have suggested some modifications. I have not yet looked at `particle.f90`. I have an error with the following build command :
rm -rf ./build/ && FC=mpif90 cmake -S ./ -B ./build -DBUILD_T...
Please look at the input and output of the function `psum_integer` and `prelay`. Please describe the difference between both. It seems they are doing providing the exact same output.
The merge will be the basic framework of the particle tracking module. The particles are only massless fluid's tracker.
But the module already contains some functions for heavy particles (current...