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Gutts-n pushed 1 commit to main transport-data/tdc-data-portal
- [xs][dms] Fixed join organization email not arriving to all sysadmins' emails eac4da9
Gutts-n pushed 1 commit to main transport-data/tdc-data-portal
- [sm][fix] Added all the sysadmins of the portal to receive the request to join in an organization d86ebbe
Gutts-n pushed 1 commit to main transport-data/tdc-data-portal
- [sm][dms] Changed code to validate if the users are sysadmins to dispatch the request to participate of an organizati... d214a4c
khaeru created a comment on an issue on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
Great, thanks—I confirm that the tests are passing again. I'll close the issue.
khaeru closed an issue on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
API errors related to 'dev' CKAN instance
Based on the information provided during the build-up phase for the portal, I merged transport-data/tools#35 to add CKAN Action API tools and tests to the TDCI Python tools package. This included a...demenech pushed 2 commits to main transport-data/tdc-data-portal
demenech closed a pull request on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
Update text re: organization membership
The previous text read: > I confirm that I work for this organisation This is too narrow. For example, in the case of the Transport Data Commons Initiative itself, *no one* is employed by TD...demenech created a comment on a pull request on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
hello @khaeru Afaict, this workflow is fine for now. I'll merge this PR now.
luccasmmg created a comment on an issue on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
Ok, we are checking on it
khaeru created a comment on an issue on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
Currently these don't use any API token at all. From the PR I linked above:
luccasmmg created a comment on an issue on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
@khaeru might i ask how did you grab the api key to run these tests?
khaeru opened an issue on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
API errors related to 'dev' CKAN instance
Based on the information provided during the build-up phase for the portal, I merged transport-data/tools#35 to add CKAN Action API tools and tests to the TDCI Python tools package. This included a...khaeru created a comment on a pull request on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
Hi @demenech—I re-requested a review for this PR since you were the one who commented on it earlier. If I/we should be directing review/support requests at specific people (maybe different accor...
luccasmmg pushed 1 commit to main transport-data/tdc-data-portal
- feat(dataset edit): make it possible for admins and sysadmins to not be (#208) included as contributors of a dataset 5bdd7af
vercel[bot] created a comment on a pull request on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
[vc]: #oXeMVHiyVXmlKDb0jhPRDzRzTya1q/YeQH16Sv81b+4=:eyJpc01vbm9yZXBvIjp0cnVlLCJ0eXBlIjoiZ2l0aHViIiwicHJvamVjdHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJ0ZGMtZGF0YS1wb3J0YWwiLCJpbnNwZWN0b3JVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL3ZlcmNlbC5jb20vZ...
Mikanebu pushed 1 commit to main transport-data/tdc-data-portal
- [data-integration][xs]: update readme for getting org_id b8f8d11
nicolas-becker closed an issue on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
Adapt the Metadata of the TDC sources to the Metadata Schema used in the data portal
When I am ingesting data from [TDC data sources]( into the data portal, I want to integra...nicolas-becker closed an issue on transport-data/tdc-data-portal
Ingest data from the TDC data sources into the portal
As a user of the TDC portal, I want the data from the priority TDC data sources to live in the portal so that I can access and preview the data directly through the portal. The sources to ingest...Gutts-n pushed 1 commit to main transport-data/tdc-data-portal
- [xs][frontend][fix] Fix to r2 error 60e5fec