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tmakaro created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Found it. you can add the following before you make the call: voipMediaSession.TakeOffHold();
tmakaro opened an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
How can I turn of the music playing on my outbound call?
I wrote a test program to make an outbound call and play a wave file. Just before and just after the wave file plays, there is what sounds like background music? Is it something my Asterisk server ...tmakaro created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
I got it working with NAudio. Thank you for pointing me in the correct direction.
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Not in this library but NAudio will allow you to resample them.
tmakaro created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
I see the problem. The wav files are supposed to be recorded 16-bit PCM. I have them recorded as 32-bit float, whatever the heck that is. Is there any way to set up SipSorcery to play 32-bit flo...
tmakaro opened an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Playing wav files is very noisy with a lot of distortion.
I am new to using SipSorcery and my first attempt is to make a call out and play a message. The call works but the message played is very hard to understand. Wireshark shows media as: m=audio 1...sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
I had another look at this any my previous suggestion is not required. The inactive audio track should get added automatically. See this[ unit test](
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Added webrtc negotiation unit test for an inactive audio offer. 9803b59
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Updated nuget package versions in examples. ee19ab0
ha-ves created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
There is also this catch block down the line in SetRemoteDescription if an exception occurs which then returns Error. Could you get what the exception was? [i.e.](
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Update abstractions package and bump version for new package release. e8e256b
sipsorcery created a tag on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
v8.0.7 - A WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET. Designed for real-time communications apps.
Bungalow12 created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
> Try adding an inactive audio track to your peer connection: > > ``` > MediaStreamTrack audioTrack = new MediaStreamTrack(new List<AudioFormat> { new AudioFormat(SDPWellKnownMediaFormatsEnum.P...
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Try adding an inactive audio track to your peer connection: ``` MediaStreamTrack audioTrack = new MediaStreamTrack(new List<AudioFormat> { new AudioFormat(SDPWellKnownMediaFormatsEnum.PCMU) }, ...
Bungalow12 opened an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Getting an Error on SetRemoteDescription
Hi, I have a scenario in which I have a requesting Peer A and a providing Peer B. Peer A is sending an offer such that it wants video to be `recvonly` and audio to be `inactive`. The descr...sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
It's not meant to be wired up externally. It was meant to be done as part of the internal plumbing. It was previoulsy in place but got missed in the MediaStream refactor. The removal of the even...
ispysoftware created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
OK makes sense - if people have hooked up a send already it'll be sending them twice - not sure if that will cause an issue or not. I think you also need to remove the event handler in CloseRtcp...
sipsorcery created a comment on an issue on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
This issue should be fixed now. The [event handler to send an RTCP report](
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Added missing event handler for RTCP report ready. (#1269) cdf7bfe
sipsorcery closed a pull request on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Added missing event handler for RTCP report ready.
sipsorcery opened a pull request on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
Added missing event handler for RTCP report ready.
sipsorcery created a branch on sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
rtcp-wiring-fix - A WebRTC, SIP and VoIP library for C# and .NET. Designed for real-time communications apps.
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Updated the end year to 2025. 60ad77b
sipsorcery pushed 1 commit to master sipsorcery-org/sipsorcery
- Flatten net namespace to remove RTP specific namespaces (#1268) * Flatten Net namespace, no need for RTP specific na... 8157f4e