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samott closed a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
PROD-730: Cronjob to calculate correct answers for questions that are ready to reveal
Cronjob to calculate correct answers for questions that are ready to reveal.samott created a review comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
> Instead of ruling out all the questions, can't it just consider questions having revealAt > NOW()? > > It would be quick. Sure, that's a valid approach. I'll leave it as is for now to get t...
neel-ds created a review comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
Instead of ruling out all the questions, can't it just consider questions having revealAt > NOW()? It would be quick.
samott created a comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
I added in the history feed to the hub page on this branch, FYI.
vercel[bot] created a comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
[vc]: #g/uXgnU2xEcf2ZYWgcjbteXzvaPiKH5SLRXBnJMxWXw=:eyJpc01vbm9yZXBvIjp0cnVlLCJ0eXBlIjoiZ2l0aHViIiwicHJvamVjdHMiOlt7Im5hbWUiOiJjaG9tcCIsInJvb3REaXJlY3RvcnkiOm51bGwsImxpdmVGZWVkYmFjayI6eyJyZXNvbHZlZ...
samott pushed 1 commit to PROD-712/box-hub-claim-validation-reward gator-labs/chomp
- Wire in history feed to mystery box hub page. 6f711a8
samott created a review comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
This should go in /components with the other MysteryBox components rather than /app/components,
samott created a comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
Functionally, looks good. - The animation is the Chompmas one. - The "Mystery Boxes" title isn't centered: ![mysterybox_title](
marvinmarnold pushed 9 commits to main gator-labs/chomp
- chore: update question card reveal content 309ac8f
- style: credit chip 9709380
- Merge branch 'main' into prod-716/qc-reveal c07c963
- chore: disable claim for cpq dd5cb97
- Merge branch 'main' into prod-716/qc-reveal e9e73f5
- feat: credit reward data df4c484
- Merge branch 'main' into prod-716/qc-reveal 42d6abb
- cleanup stale files 249ce4f
- Merge pull request #901 from gator-labs/prod-716/qc-reveal Prod-716: Add credit chip in reveal answer reward 38bda25
marvinmarnold closed a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
Prod-716: Add credit chip in reveal answer reward
### Description - Update content to `You won` and add credit chip to show reward - if the prize has been claimed (via mystery box), make sure the claim button does not appear. - Hide the claim ...samott pushed 1 commit to PROD-730/calculate-correct-answers-cron gator-labs/chomp
- Change comparison for revealAtAnswerCount. 85852c5
samott pushed 10 commits to main gator-labs/chomp
- Remove reveal/claim all mystery box feature. 125b491
- Prettier update. 8b7df01
- Remove box reopening feature. 6e0f1bb
- Remove unused variable. 3d4ba01
- Allow for the possibility of no token prize in test case. c25b0bf
- Update previous test fix. 3f459e7
- useReveal hook: remove mystery box remnants. 7b781e5
- Remove reveal all mystery box remnants. d05a33d
- Remove getRevealAllMysteryBoxForQuestions(). 0cf21de
- Merge pull request #906 from gator-labs/PROD-704/remove-mystery-box-after-reveal-all PROD-704: Remove mystery box af... dfbde60
samott closed a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
PROD-704: Remove mystery box after reveal all
Removes the reveal all / claim all mystery box.samott pushed 1 commit to PROD-704/remove-mystery-box-after-reveal-all gator-labs/chomp
- Remove getRevealAllMysteryBoxForQuestions(). 0cf21de
neel-ds created a comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
> > I think there is more clean up require in useReveal hook and some other files. Following PR added the changes to move Mystery Box to Reveal All: > > You're right - I've taken out the code ar...
samott created a review comment on a pull request on gator-labs/chomp
I changed it for now. The correct, long-term solution is to check the config on startup.
samott pushed 1 commit to PROD-730/calculate-correct-answers-cron gator-labs/chomp
- Throw on missing config value. f37dadd