
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


o3wiz starred 3b1b/manim
KjetilIN starred 3b1b/manim
mitkonikov edited a wiki page on 3b1b/manim
mitkonikov edited a wiki page on 3b1b/manim
mitkonikov opened a pull request on 3b1b/manim
Properly check modifier keys.
<!-- Thanks for contributing to manim! Please ensure that your pull request works with the latest version of manim. --> ## Motivation Modifier keys are given by Pyglet with bitmasks, ho...
matarauj starred 3b1b/manim
HarshitSohaney starred 3b1b/manim
desjoerd starred 3b1b/manim
imsakg starred 3b1b/manim
ali-eljerrari starred 3b1b/manim
notTanveer starred 3b1b/manim
gersrobert starred 3b1b/manim
cemysf starred 3b1b/manim
zamb0 starred 3b1b/manim
ubergeekNZ starred 3b1b/manim
mirandamath starred 3b1b/manim
imsathiya17 starred 3b1b/manim
dagerff starred 3b1b/manim
sverchkov starred 3b1b/manim
imtej forked 3b1b/manim


notarealone starred 3b1b/manim
yixinlok starred 3b1b/manim
maczg starred 3b1b/manim
yanncauchepin starred 3b1b/manim
froggydood starred 3b1b/manim
Yunyunf starred 3b1b/manim
BigBridgeLee starred 3b1b/manim
Glebegor starred 3b1b/manim
Floressek starred 3b1b/manim
cqj-jqc forked 3b1b/manim


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