
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


Kyxie starred 3b1b/manim
Codesgf starred 3b1b/manim
wayne1512 starred 3b1b/manim
sahil-chaudhary starred 3b1b/manim
LakhderAmine99 starred 3b1b/manim
jcbraz starred 3b1b/manim
vandan7177 starred 3b1b/manim
takaf3 starred 3b1b/manim
SteinVandenbroeke starred 3b1b/manim
chris4845 starred 3b1b/manim
Ray625625 created a comment on an issue on 3b1b/manim
> > Do you have any idea why it's listed for <0.5.0? When I run it with later versions of ManimPango it seems fine. > > Thanks for providing this information. After upgrading to the latest manim...

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Ray625625 closed an issue on 3b1b/manim
manim reders "broken" images
As I installed manim through **Windows (Direct)** section in [the documentation]( and ran ``manimgl OpeningManimExam...
everestial starred 3b1b/manim
CoderXL1 created a comment on an issue on 3b1b/manim
> Do you have any idea why it's listed for <0.5.0? When I run it with later versions of ManimPango it seems fine. Thanks for providing this information. After upgrading to the latest manimpango(...

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Matt-Dinh starred 3b1b/manim
sammyhass starred 3b1b/manim
theSalt starred 3b1b/manim
jayantsinha starred 3b1b/manim
WMoric starred 3b1b/manim
12357647 starred 3b1b/manim
sinibari forked 3b1b/manim


pradanaadn starred 3b1b/manim
FrantisekSilhan starred 3b1b/manim
YuePanEdward starred 3b1b/manim
rickdisi opened an issue on 3b1b/manim
InteractiveScene not being recognised
Hi, I've just downloaded manim and can't get one last thing to work. The InteractiveScene argument within the class (as opposed to just the scene) is not working. It just is not being recognised by...
yuitsunomori starred 3b1b/manim
Kartmaan starred 3b1b/manim
Dilshodbek-dev starred 3b1b/manim
squishyjs starred 3b1b/manim
developer-joon starred 3b1b/manim
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