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eddiejiang starred 3b1b/manim
jessemelpolio starred 3b1b/manim
lescx starred 3b1b/manim
3b1b created a tag on 3b1b/manim

v1.7.0 - Animation engine for explanatory math videos

3b1b published a release on 3b1b/manim
ManimGL 1.7.0
## What's Changed * Performance improvements in rendering * Improvements to interactive scene development * Improved stroke rendering in 3d * Refactor StringMobject and relevant classes by @Yis...
mrsekut starred 3b1b/manim
WangWilly starred 3b1b/manim
vincent-skywalker starred 3b1b/manim
Rafaelblsilva starred 3b1b/manim
AODiakite starred 3b1b/manim
amitkpandey starred 3b1b/manim
jingjingchen-pro starred 3b1b/manim
SPRIME01 starred 3b1b/manim
timlautk starred 3b1b/manim
pulgamecanica starred 3b1b/manim
zwq2018 starred 3b1b/manim
fysp11 starred 3b1b/manim
IzaiahSun starred 3b1b/manim
LDingLDing starred 3b1b/manim
Zirconium419122 starred 3b1b/manim
tshemeng starred 3b1b/manim
Lensco825 starred 3b1b/manim
jackson-heros forked 3b1b/manim


taha-abdullah starred 3b1b/manim
yudeng101 starred 3b1b/manim
xwyangjshb starred 3b1b/manim
liuyicai29 starred 3b1b/manim
alexlogvin starred 3b1b/manim
vimt starred 3b1b/manim
newprogrammeram starred 3b1b/manim
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