Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
Keython pushed 2 commits to main 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
201rdk001 pushed 8 commits to main 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
UselessJohn pushed 3 commits to bilesu_iegade_skats 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
UselessJohn pushed 4 commits to main 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
201rdk001 pushed 2 commits to main 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
UselessJohn pushed 35 commits to bilesu_iegade_skats 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- izveidot_biletes_logs a35129a
- nedaudzprofils 7d29046
- profils 9343648
- profilsfrontend 82313be
- profils dbf6472
- admins-home ff2302f
- atcelt-atslegties cc4fb03
- salabots-default-bloki ef0db15
- Update index.html 42889fe
- Update style.css e56bfe6
- Update index.html 4a65c35
- Update index.html 09dc780
- Update index.html df3590a
- Switch to using handlebars view engine ccbe80a
- Create more project scaffolding 4497da1
- Update index.html 01d8e4f
- Add initial implementation of database layer bc8cc29
- Update models 9d77517
- Update event and other views and routes, add express-async-handler 762d89f
- Update dcbd4ea
- and 15 more ...
201rdk001 pushed 1 commit to main 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- Integrate profile view into website 1be97c1
UselessJohn pushed 8 commits to main 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- Started making *choose payment type* page Also added a way to input the ticket count without any javascript, only visual 0b9798c
- Added: 1. Both payment types and their visuals 2. The price in the top right corner Still have some work to do, but m... 86a4756
- Forgot to turn off bank detail tab on launch I think I still have some visual work to do 380daa9
- Added functionality: Added up and down button functionality Price is now dynamic and changes with the ticket amount A... 4d1557e
- Fixed a button bug, made the form container a fixed width and improved the price visuals 17d7468
- Made individual event html and css 88bb9f1
- updated payment_type page 651ac72
- Merge branch 'bilesu_iegade_skats' bd68033
UselessJohn pushed 2 commits to bilesu_iegade_skats 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
UselessJohn pushed 1 commit to Individuals_pasakums 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- updated payment_type page 651ac72
201rdk001 pushed 13 commits to main 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- izveidot_biletes_logs a35129a
- nedaudzprofils 7d29046
- profils 9343648
- profilsfrontend 82313be
- profils dbf6472
- admins-home ff2302f
- atcelt-atslegties cc4fb03
- salabots-default-bloki ef0db15
- atseviski-html-faili b124080
- atseviski-faili-izlabots-link 52b20de
- Rename stylesheet 51d62ec
- Merge branch 'profils_bilesuizveide_admin' bc1432f
- Remove .vscode 56a6b48
201rdk001 pushed 1 commit to profils_bilesuizveide_admin 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- Rename stylesheet 51d62ec
201rdk001 pushed 1 commit to profils_bilesuizveide_admin 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- Rename stylesheet 2bf6e85
201rdk001 pushed 1 commit to lietotāja-reģistrācija-autentifikācija 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- Rename index.html to login.html 1b5a985
201rdk001 pushed 13 commits to main 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- Update index.html 42889fe
- Update style.css e56bfe6
- Update index.html 4a65c35
- Update index.html 09dc780
- Update index.html df3590a
- Update index.html 01d8e4f
- Merge with biletes_app.7z ccdd293
- Rename index.html to login.html 1b5a985
- Merge branch 'lietotāja-reģistrācija-autentifikācija' 4955e80
- Update database layer ba08dc6
- Integrate login/register into website 9b31ef8
- Added password hashing ff4f3af
- Add session data and event route authorization db3f489
Keython pushed 1 commit to profils_bilesuizveide_admin 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- atseviski-faili-izlabots-link 52b20de
UselessJohn pushed 1 commit to bilesu_iegade_skats 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- Fixed a button bug, made the form container a fixed width and improved the price visuals 17d7468
UselessJohn pushed 1 commit to bilesu_iegade_skats 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- Added functionality: Added up and down button functionality Price is now dynamic and changes with the ticket amount A... 4d1557e
201rdk001 pushed 1 commit to lietotāja-reģistrācija-autentifikācija 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- Merge with biletes_app.7z ccdd293
Keython pushed 1 commit to profils_bilesuizveide_admin 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
- atseviski-html-faili b124080
KristiansPriede221RDB394 deleted a branch 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
KristiansPriede221RDB394 created a branch on 201rdk001/pit_biletes247
KristiansPriede221RDB394 deleted a branch 201rdk001/pit_biletes247