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tylermmorton opened an issue on NiklasPor/prettier-plugin-go-template
Parser fails when template syntax exists within html tag
Hi, firstly thank you for this plugin, it's a really great tool when working with Go HTML templates. I noticed the parser falls over when template syntax exists within an HTML tag. ```html ...tylermmorton pushed 1 commit to master tylermmorton/torque
- Add x-tab-switcher and use on navigator template 7e8e9f2
tylermmorton pushed 2 commits to master tylermmorton/torque
tylermmorton pushed 1 commit to master tylermmorton/torque
- Passing around the symbol query parameter e433aed
tylermmorton pushed 1 commit to master tylermmorton/torque
- Add experimental Headers controller interface 0f5fe84
tylermmorton pushed 1 commit to master tylermmorton/torque
- Implement symbol lookup in context menu 85662a9
tylermmorton pushed 1 commit to master tylermmorton/torque
- Add html lang support and copy button 45ef8c5
tylermmorton pushed 2 commits to master tylermmorton/torque
tylermmorton opened an issue on gomarkdown/markdown
Go mod is currently version 1.12
Would it be possible to upgrade this package to the latest Go version? 😁 Currently its `1.12`, whereas the latest Go version is `1.23.2`tylermmorton opened an issue on gomarkdown/markdown
Code blocks support `meta` fields
Code blocks in markdown can have an optional meta field directly after the `lang` option: ```` ```go <meta> package main func main() { ... } ``` ```` Currently the gomarkdown pars...tylermmorton created a comment on an issue on gomarkdown/markdown
Hi @delaneyj, please see my implementation where I use frontmatter with gomarkdown. Let me know if this helps!
tylermmorton opened an issue on tylermmorton/tmpl
Compiler: Recurse struct fields even when they're not `TemplateProvider`s
In a scenario where multiple embedded templates are used: ```go type navItem struct { Icon templates.Icon `tmpl:"icon"` } type navGroup struct { NavItem navItem } type Navigator ...tylermmorton pushed 1 commit to master tylermmorton/torque
- Create mechanism for preventing outlet wrapping at the handler level 9b76e52
tylermmorton pushed 1 commit to master tylermmorton/torque
- Add outlet support for vanilla http.Handlers, remove Delete in favor of Action b075eb8
tylermmorton pushed 1 commit to master tylermmorton/torque
- Add encoding/decoding of path params dac396d
tylermmorton pushed 1 commit to master tylermmorton/torque
- Allow infinite nesting of Handlers 28ea9c9