
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


timoguin starred nats-io/prometheus-nats-exporter
timoguin starred gogrlx/bitcask
timoguin starred gogrlx/grlx-lsp
timoguin starred gogrlx/
timoguin starred Opserva-io/auth-js
timoguin starred Opserva-io/auth-rs
timoguin pushed 2 commits to main auguria-io/terraform-aws-kubespot
  • feat: Allow enabling the CloudWatch Observability Add-on for EKS (#446) ## Changes - Adds a new `cloudwatch_observa... 32d05b1
  • terraform-docs: automated action cef48bd

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timoguin starred AkihiroSuda/gomodjail
timoguin starred apache/datafusion
timoguin starred PostHog/posthog
timoguin starred iqlusioninc/
timoguin created a comment on an issue on synfinatic/aws-sso-cli
BTW, here's a snippet of my configuration: ```yaml SSOConfig: Default: Accounts: # AWS Organizations mgmt account "123456789012": Name: root Roles: ...

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timoguin starred twelve-factor/twelve-factor
timoguin opened a pull request on opszero/terraform-aws-kubespot
feat: Allow enabling the CloudWatch Observability Add-on for EKS
## Changes - Adds a new `cloudwatch_observability_enabled` variable - Conditionally installs the `amazon-cloudwatch-observability` add-on - Conditionally attaches the AWS-managed CloudWatchAgentSe...
timoguin pushed 1 commit to feat/cloudwatch-observability-addon auguria-io/terraform-aws-kubespot
  • feat: Allow enabling the CloudWatch Observability Add-on for EKS ## Changes - Adds a new `cloudwatch_observability_... 9f2d5d3

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timoguin pushed 1 commit to misc/timtimtim timoguin/steampipe
  • Add a multi-stage Docker build and Compose configuration 5166abc

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timoguin created a branch on timoguin/steampipe

misc/timtimtim - Zero-ETL, infinite possibilities. Live query APIs, code & more with SQL. No DB required.

timoguin forked turbot/steampipe


timoguin created a comment on an issue on synfinatic/aws-sso-cli
I've done this in the past with aws-sso-cli but have been struggling with the appropriate config for the last few days. For my use case, I'm wanting to utilize an SSO role in the AWS Organizatio...

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timoguin created a branch on timoguin/aws-data-tools-py

chore/cleanup - A Python library for querying and transforming data from AWS APIs

timoguin starred atuinsh/atuin
timoguin starred strimzi/strimzi-kafka-bridge
timoguin starred strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator
timoguin starred mealie-recipes/mealie
timoguin starred rust-bakery/machine
timoguin starred rust-bakery/nom
timoguin starred tamasfe/taplo
timoguin starred tinylog-org/tinylog
timoguin starred IBM/java-iceberg-toolkit
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