
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


timoguin starred open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification
timoguin starred pythops/tamanoir
timoguin starred pydantic/pydantic-ai
timoguin starred pydantic/logfire
timoguin starred soumilshah1995/duckdb-on-lambda
timoguin starred loft-sh/vcluster
timoguin starred HariSekhon/Kubernetes-configs
timoguin starred awslabs/s3-tables-catalog
timoguin starred akamai/cli-terraform
timoguin starred SylphAI-Inc/LLM-engineer-handbook
timoguin starred awslabs/ssosync
timoguin starred logicalclocks/hopsworks
timoguin starred openobserve/openobserve
timoguin starred alibaba/fluss
timoguin starred gitbutlerapp/gitbutler
timoguin starred nicor88/dbt-serverless
timoguin starred soumilshah1995/emr-iceberg-tags-demo
timoguin starred benbjohnson/litestream
timoguin starred StarRocks/starrocks
timoguin starred astral-sh/uv-docker-example
timoguin opened an issue on jonrau1/ElectricEye
[PFR] Publish to PyPI
## Story As a user of ElectricEye, I want to do install ElectricEye via pip / pipx so that I can have 100x mega fauna energy outcome(s). ## Definition of Done It's on PyPI. ## Nice to H...
timoguin starred fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs
timoguin starred woodruffw/zizmor
timoguin starred tarsal-oss/kflowd
timoguin starred amazonlinux/amazon-linux-2023
timoguin starred darko-mesaros/shuk
timoguin starred soumilshah1995/xtable-sync-lambda
timoguin starred unlock-protocol/unlock
timoguin starred 8xFF/atm0s-sdn
timoguin starred 8xFF/atm0s-media-server
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