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thedev132 pushed 2 commits to main thedev132/icons-rn
thedev132 opened a pull request on hackclub/hcb-mobile
Make app.config.js cleaner
## Checklist - [x] Descriptive PR title _(Does the title explain the changes in a concise manner?)_ - [x] Tag related issues so they auto-close on merge - [x] Easily digestible commits _(Are t...thedev132 opened a pull request on hackclub/hcb-mobile
Allow users to also pick from camera roll in missing reciepts
## Summary of the problem Users can't pick from camera roll in missing reciepts ## Describe your changes Allowed users to also pick from camera roll in missing reciepts ## Checklist - [x...thedev132 created a comment on an issue on hackclub/hcb-mobile
@Luke-Oldenburg [this]( works for both but it isn't as convenient as it opens the app instead of a small view.
thedev132 pushed 1 commit to main thedev132/hcb-mobile
- Upgrade to Expo 52 (#104) * upgrade to expo 52 c17897e
thedev132 pushed 2 commits to main thedev132/hcb-mobile
thedev132 pushed 1 commit to main hackclub/hcb-mobile
- Upgrade to Expo 52 (#104) * upgrade to expo 52 c17897e
thedev132 closed a pull request on hackclub/hcb-mobile
Upgrade to Expo 52
## Summary of the problem dependencies outdated ## Describe your changes expo 52 upgrades majority of dependencies ## Checklist - [x] Descriptive PR title _(Does the title explain the chan...thedev132 created a review on a pull request on hackclub/hcb-mobile
Just fix the merge conflicts and disable menu option and entitlement :)
thedev132 opened a pull request on hackclub/hcb-mobile
Upgrade to Expo 52
## Summary of the problem dependencies outdated ## Describe your changes expo 52 upgrades majority of dependencies ## Checklist - [x] Descriptive PR title _(Does the title explain the chan...thedev132 pushed 2 commits to main thedev132/hcb-mobile
thedev132 pushed 5 commits to main thedev132/hcb-mobile
- Remove dependabot (#103) Delete .github/dependabot.yml 3bccc0b
- Pull Down to Refresh (#94) * added on refresh * fixed iOS bug * fix smal issue db0003f
- Transfer UI & Functionality (#73) * Caleb's UI draft * transfer ui * Finished HCB Transfer! --------- ... 4d8ebc6
- Checks have more info and cool graphic (#101) * Checks have more info and cool graphic 850c80b
- Merge branch 'hackclub:main' into main 33b2c9d
thedev132 pushed 1 commit to main hackclub/hcb-mobile
- Checks have more info and cool graphic (#101) * Checks have more info and cool graphic 850c80b
thedev132 closed a pull request on hackclub/hcb-mobile
Checks have more info and cool graphic
## Summary of the problem Checks didnt have enough info and page was boring **PLEASE TEST THIS BEFORE APPROVING!!!!** ## Checklist - [x] Descriptive PR title _(Does the title explain the chan...thedev132 pushed 4 commits to thedev132/checks thedev132/hcb-mobile
- Remove dependabot (#103) Delete .github/dependabot.yml 3bccc0b
- Pull Down to Refresh (#94) * added on refresh * fixed iOS bug * fix smal issue db0003f
- Transfer UI & Functionality (#73) * Caleb's UI draft * transfer ui * Finished HCB Transfer! --------- ... 4d8ebc6
- Merge branch 'main' into thedev132/checks 841f2db
thedev132 pushed 1 commit to main hackclub/hcb-mobile
- Transfer UI & Functionality (#73) * Caleb's UI draft * transfer ui * Finished HCB Transfer! --------- ... 4d8ebc6