
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


thechampagne created a branch on thechampagne/webview-zig

webview-0.10.0 - ⚡ Zig binding & wrapper for a tiny cross-platform webview library to build modern cross-platform GUIs.

thechampagne deleted a branch thechampagne/webview-zig


thechampagne created a branch on thechampagne/webview-zig

webview-0.10.0 - ⚡ Zig binding & wrapper for a tiny cross-platform webview library to build modern cross-platform GUIs.

thechampagne closed an issue on thechampagne/webview-zig
Callback function pointers do not allow for multiple callbacks
# Description From my understanding of Zig, struct types inside functions are only created once per distinct `comptime` arguments. In other words, the struct type created in each call to `dispatch...
thechampagne pushed 4 commits to main thechampagne/webview-zig
  • fix callback issue bb54c93
  • new fix 8809745
  • pass Self by value instead of pointer 61c4f22
  • Merge pull request #9 from thechampagne/bugfix/callback-issue Bugfix/callback issue 4552da7

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thechampagne closed a pull request on thechampagne/webview-zig
Bugfix/callback issue
fix #4
thechampagne pushed 1 commit to bugfix/callback-issue thechampagne/webview-zig
  • pass Self by value instead of pointer 61c4f22

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thechampagne pushed 1 commit to master thechampagne/xkb-switch
  • remove unnecessary link with libxkbswitch f39723e

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thechampagne starred sergei-mironov/xkb-switch
thechampagne starred jordansissel/xdotool
thechampagne starred xremap/xremap
thechampagne starred baskerville/sxhkd
thechampagne starred rvaiya/keyd
thechampagne pushed 1 commit to main thechampagne/dotfiles
  • i3: change left navigation from j to h ee848d7

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thechampagne starred valadaptive/ntsc-rs
thechampagne starred tmux/tmux
thechampagne starred cheat/cheat
thechampagne starred troglobit/mg
thechampagne starred jacobdeichert/mask
thechampagne starred joerdav/xc
thechampagne starred go-task/task
thechampagne starred casey/just