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simplr-sh opened a pull request on zaidmukaddam/miniperplx
Fix Font Handling: Enhance Tailwind CSS configuration and update global styles
- Updated Tailwind CSS configuration to include default font families for sans, serif, and mono. - Removed unused font imports and CSS variables from globals.css. - Improved layout component by o...simplr-sh created a branch on simplr-sh/miniperplx
fix/fonts - A minimalistic AI-powered search engine that helps you find information on the internet. Powered by Vercel AI SDK! Search with models like Grok 2.0.
simplr-sh opened a pull request on zaidmukaddam/miniperplx
Refactor environment variable handling and improve API key management
## Remove the direct reliance on `process.env` for safety & security purposes. Keep the client & server env variables used outside of the respective bundles, Fail during build time immediately if e...simplr-sh pushed 1 commit to feat/safe-envs simplr-sh/miniperplx
- Refactor next.config.mjs for improved readability and consistency - Reformatted the structure of the `next.config.mj... f8ce4bd
simplr-sh created a branch on simplr-sh/miniperplx
feat/safe-envs - A minimalistic AI-powered search engine that helps you find information on the internet. Powered by Vercel AI SDK! Search with models like Grok 2.0.