
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


shoichiaizawa starred ysk8hori/typescript-graph
shoichiaizawa starred sosukesuzuki/eslint-plugin-ast-grep
shoichiaizawa starred instructor-ai/instructor
shoichiaizawa starred insidegui/VirtualBuddy
shoichiaizawa starred piotrkulpinski/openalternative
shoichiaizawa starred notjuliet/awesome-bluesky
shoichiaizawa starred googleapis/google-cloud-rust
shoichiaizawa starred nikolovlazar/dotfiles
shoichiaizawa starred dxos/dxos
shoichiaizawa starred stackblitz-labs/
shoichiaizawa starred rhinobase/react-bluesky
shoichiaizawa starred marp-team/marp-vscode
shoichiaizawa starred PostHog/
shoichiaizawa starred PostHog/posthog
shoichiaizawa starred unclecode/crawl4ai
shoichiaizawa starred automatisch/automatisch
shoichiaizawa starred mudler/LocalAI
shoichiaizawa starred microsoft/TinyTroupe
shoichiaizawa starred dockur/windows-arm
shoichiaizawa starred dockur/windows
shoichiaizawa starred dockur/macos
shoichiaizawa starred readysettech/readyset
shoichiaizawa pushed 12 commits to master shoichiaizawa/dotfiles
  • feat(gh): add some keys and values that automatically generated by `gh` iself 6689491
  • style(vimrc): fix typo (futher -> further) a776776
  • feat(vimrc): add a new keybinding for charwise line select 7f038ec
  • chore(iterm2): backup iTerm2 config file 8a73b86
  • fix(starship): replace the outdated Nerd Fonts 7022168
  • fix(bashrc): fix the PATH for Homebrew used under Apple Silicon macOS 98f2194
  • fix(bashrc): fix the `g` alias completion for `git` 1234463
  • fix(bashrc): add a conditional stub out the 'Unable to locate a Java Runtime' error 1f69ee8
  • refactor(bashrc): use the originally set `HISTTIMEFORMAT` value instead of redefining it again 316a864
  • refactor(bashrc): use the `brew --prefix` command to determine the Starship path 4152fbb
  • feat(bashrc): add settings for Bun a0130ec
  • feat(bashrc): add the PATH for console-ninja 470c5ca

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shoichiaizawa starred microsoft/vscode-ai-toolkit
shoichiaizawa starred microsoft/autogen
shoichiaizawa starred vercel/ai-chatbot
shoichiaizawa starred kawamataryo/sky-follower-bridge
shoichiaizawa starred keithamus/i-html
shoichiaizawa starred hmpl-language/hmpl
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