
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


sa-tasche starred cyberphone/json-canonicalization
sa-tasche starred fivefilters/ftr-site-config
sa-tasche starred MasterKale/SimpleWebAuthn
sa-tasche starred OwnID/passkeys
sa-tasche starred dennislwy/fastapi-passkey-auth
sa-tasche starred passageidentity/passage-php
sa-tasche starred passageidentity/passage-python
sa-tasche starred stytchauth/stytch-python
sa-tasche starred pyscripter/pyscripter
sa-tasche starred mapado/rulerz
sa-tasche starred wallabag/wallabag
sa-tasche starred lynn/chibicc
sa-tasche starred CPunch/Laika
sa-tasche starred OpenFusionProject/OpenFusion
sa-tasche starred CPunch/Pyuxncle
sa-tasche starred kurgm/gwtegaki
sa-tasche starred kurgm/kage-editor
sa-tasche starred fjballest/planb
sa-tasche starred doblabs/ansiwrap-hotoffthehamster
sa-tasche starred jonathaneunice/ansiwrap
sa-tasche starred public-apis/public-apis
sa-tasche starred cweiske/jsonmapper
sa-tasche starred lamuzzachiodi/tclfpdf
sa-tasche starred zeux/volk
sa-tasche pushed 5 commits to main mitgedanken-lab/c-c3c
  • Fix issue with `@const` where the statement `$foo = 1;` was not considered constant. 5a36f0b
  • Const strings and bytes were not properly converted to compile time bools. Contracts @require/@ensure are no longer t... c3f5806
  • Concatenating an const empty slice with another array caused a null pointer access. 5de03ab
  • Fix typo a4f5c97
  • Refactoring identifier and catch unwrap into two different nodes. f9b8622

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sa-tasche starred MikeMoore63/spdx_matcher
sa-tasche starred zackees/fastled-wasm
sa-tasche starred wbond/certbuilder
sa-tasche starred okomestudio/mime-streamer
sa-tasche starred swannodette/mori
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