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rpmccarter created a comment on an issue on mintlify/docs
Thanks for letting us know! The `type="glass"` option has been removed, and it looks like the docs on it were also removed at some point
rpmccarter closed an issue on mintlify/docs
Frame Components Glass
What is `type="glass"` on this page? It isn't documented in the props section. created a comment on a pull request on mintlify/docs
Thanks for the PR, but the `type="glass"` option has been removed
rpmccarter closed a pull request on mintlify/docs
fix: add glass prop in the frames section
Resolves: #232rpmccarter created a comment on a pull request on mintlify/docs
Thanks for the PR! This is intentional, to display the raw MDX code that produced the above line
rpmccarter pushed 3 commits to main mintlify/mdx
rpmccarter closed a pull request on mintlify/mdx
fix: remove dir import
Got this fun error when trying to use this package: ``` ⨯ Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT]: Directory import '/[...]/node_modules/@mintlify/mdx/dist/plugins' is not supported resolving ES mod...rpmccarter pushed 16 commits to main mintlify/mdx
- bump dependencies 755fa41
- simplify re-exports 74af1f3
- fix rehype plugin 5bdde2d
- update examples aa0af46
- config files acec673
- set up yarn workspace 29bd30b
- fix workspace 637cd5f
- delete api route b9ff7bd
- add build script 46fc208
- add private ac1ffc2
- "true" -> true in package.json 5205616
- export SerializeSuccess fb980f3
- add components prop pass-through 14d69b2
- update readmes 7adb490
- fix serialize success type de0fc61
- Merge pull request #10 from mintlify/ronan/migrate-to-new-package feat: migrate to new mdx package f7d4680
rpmccarter closed a pull request on mintlify/mdx
feat: migrate to new mdx package
We're attempting to migrate from the pages router to the app router in our main project. Unfortunately, `next-mdx-remote` does not play nicely with newer versions of the app router (see [this issue...rpmccarter pushed 1 commit to ronan/migrate-to-new-package mintlify/mdx
- fix serialize success type de0fc61
rpmccarter created a comment on a pull request on mintlify/mdx
@hahnbeelee updated readmes!
rpmccarter pushed 1 commit to ronan/migrate-to-new-package mintlify/mdx
- export SerializeSuccess fb980f3
rpmccarter pushed 1 commit to ronan/migrate-to-new-package mintlify/mdx
- "true" -> true in package.json 5205616