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rpmccarter pushed 1 commit to ronan/test-rewrite rpmccarter/next-rewrite-test
- remove pnpm req 9458e44
rpmccarter created a review comment on a pull request on mintlify/docs
this is technically true, but a little confusing. All the handshakes are available once you have authentication enabled. I would recommend revising this to ```suggestion Authentication is availab...
rpmccarter created a review comment on a pull request on mintlify/docs
This is a bit misleading - you do not need to use the dashboard handshake for your main handshake method to use it for your preview deployments. Maybe something like this? "This handshake method...
rpmccarter pushed 1 commit to main mintlify/docs
- docs: actual auth (#417) * authentication-related pages * adjust SSO copy * adjust personalization handshake metho... b2c83bc
rpmccarter closed a pull request on mintlify/docs
docs: actual auth
Update docs to explain Personalization and Authentication. A few main goals - rebrand user auth to personalization - separate the concepts of personalization and authentication - communicate the...rpmccarter pushed 2 commits to ronan/eng-3215-write-docs-for-actual-auth mintlify/docs
rpmccarter pushed 1 commit to ronan/eng-3215-write-docs-for-actual-auth mintlify/docs
- update mintlify dashboard links 15a4c20
rpmccarter pushed 1 commit to ronan/eng-3215-write-docs-for-actual-auth mintlify/docs
- udpate mintlify handshake description 3226531