
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


rawwerks starred bluesky-social/atproto
rawwerks starred jdegenstein/nice123d
rawwerks starred cpfiffer/self-expansion
rawwerks created a comment on an issue on filaPro/cad-recode
great, thank you! looking forward to it! i'm trying to reproduce this amazing work, any additional details on the finetuning setup would also be appreciated!

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rawwerks created a comment on an issue on filaPro/cad-recode
FYI - i just got the same error. i made comment on HF discussions =>

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rawwerks opened an issue on filaPro/cad-recode
is the synthetic dataset available?
amazing work! is the synthetic dataset available? i didn't see on GH or HF. _ > The synthetic dataset introduced in Section 3.2 com- prises one million valid Python CadQuery code snip- pets, g...
rawwerks starred filaPro/cad-recode
rawwerks starred elalish/manifold
rawwerks starred haydenbleasel/orate
rawwerks starred fal-ai-community/video-starter-kit
rawwerks starred jasonhedman/the-hive
rawwerks starred mayooear/ai-company-researcher
rawwerks opened an issue on codestoryai/aide
ability to @ a folder
### Idea please add the ability to `@` a folder (not just a single file)
rawwerks created a comment on an issue on browser-use/browser-use
can your crew write and execute python? then it should be able to use browser-use... and if you want something more plug and play i'm pretty sure crew has a browserbase integration

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rawwerks starred blarApp/code-base-agent
rawwerks starred BintzGavin/next-blog-agent-starter
rawwerks starred browserbase/stagehand
rawwerks starred lightpanda-io/browser
rawwerks starred QuivrHQ/MegaParse
rawwerks starred tomasonjo-labs/text2cypher_llama_agent
rawwerks starred mattmireles/Flatty
rawwerks starred egoist/sitefetch
rawwerks starred hiyouga/LLaMA-Factory
rawwerks starred NovaSky-AI/SkyThought
rawwerks starred langchain-ai/executive-ai-assistant
rawwerks starred exa-labs/company-researcher
rawwerks starred ai-in-pm/ModernBERT-Demonstrator
rawwerks starred AgenticA5/A5-Browser-Use
rawwerks starred SokolskyNikita/cli-control-cursor-ide
rawwerks starred phidatahq/phidata
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