
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


rasbayri opened an issue on siikamiika/yomichan-mecab-installer
What's causing it?
Install a MeCab dictionary? (Y/n): y 1: unidic-mecab-translate ⭐️ [191M] - A dictionary that prefers shorter words to longer ones, is usually more accurate, and shows pronunciation instead of read...
rasbayri opened an issue on yomidevs/yomitan-mecab-installer
What's causing it?
Install a MeCab dictionary? (Y/n): y 1: unidic-mecab-translate ⭐️ [191M] - A dictionary that prefers shorter words to longer ones, is usually more accurate, and shows pronunciation instead of read...
rasbayri forked HIllya51/LunaHook


rasbayri created a comment on an issue on siikamiika/yomichan-mecab-installer
it already exists

View on GitHub

rasbayri closed an issue on siikamiika/yomichan-mecab-installer
create the same but for yomitan
rasbayri starred yomidevs/yomitan-mecab-installer
rasbayri starred Kuuuube/yomitan-dictionaries
rasbayri starred peldas/yomitan-dicts
rasbayri starred kha-white/manga-ocr
rasbayri starred microsoft/winfile
rasbayri starred roosterkid/openproxylist
rasbayri starred tablacus/TablacusExplorer
rasbayri starred vgmstream/vgmstream
rasbayri starred yomidevs/yomitan
rasbayri starred btw-so/open-source-alternatives