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radioblahaj created a comment on a pull request on hackclub/toriel
Can we change it to the user group?
radioblahaj created a comment on an issue on hackclub/high-seas
Thoughts? @polytroper
radioblahaj created a comment on an issue on hackclub/high-seas
Would love to have this. I'm thinking a tab that would show you events and other things happening in the community. The signpost is one part of this solution but having a dedicated tab would give m...
radioblahaj reopened an issue on hackclub/high-seas
Make a new tab in the platform for community events, and things happening in the community
As mentioned in #357, it would be better to have a tab on the platform for upcoming community events and other stuff happening in the slackradioblahaj pushed 1 commit to patch-11 radioblahaj/dns
- Remove as it is not an hq project 6f12632
radioblahaj pushed 1 commit to main felixgao-0/life-adventure
- Make it work with classes and change wrong keyword :SOB: b7848f2
radioblahaj opened an issue on hackclub/chronicle
Emails are tracked now that we use loops
This line should be changed: We won't use anything that falls within the realm of "metadata". For example, tracking whether or not you specifically clicked a link in an HQ-sent email, or figuring o...radioblahaj closed an issue on hackclub/high-seas
Create Airtable records for fraud case in fraud base and high seas ships base
Jeremey isn't in the repo yet but create airtable record in the high seas fraud base for flagged ships and update the ships base record for that project in the high seas airtable with a fraud flagradioblahaj pushed 1 commit to main hackclub/channelModTools
- add code that checks if someone is a channel manger from David's code 94295a5