
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


phantom-jacob closed a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/ciscotalosintelligence
[PAPP-35323] Add support for SOAR 6.2.2
Please ensure your pull request (PR) adheres to the following guidelines: - Please refer to our contributing documentation for any questions on submitting a pull request, link: [Contribution Gui...
phantom-jacob created a review on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/ciscotalosintelligence

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phantom-jacob deleted a branch splunk-soar-connectors/awsathena


phantom-jacob pushed 10 commits to next splunk-soar-connectors/awsathena
  • Added supported aws regions for athena e8cf54f
  • Update ca7a9bd
  • empty commit to rerun piplines ce93fc0
  • empty commit to rerun piplines 718f773
  • empty commit to rerun piplines db91871
  • Updated Copyright (c) year and added released notes 962d3b6
  • Update b274513
  • removed unused library 489060f
  • Update 2868a15
  • Merge pull request #14 from splunk-soar-connectors/hchavda_add_aws_regions PAPP-33983: hchavda: AWS Athena: Added su... 365883e

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phantom-jacob closed a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/awsathena
PAPP-33983: hchavda: AWS Athena: Added supported AWS regions for Athena
Please ensure your pull request (PR) adheres to the following guidelines: - Please refer to our contributing documentation for any questions on submitting a pull request, link: [Contribution Gui...
phantom-jacob created a review on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/awsathena

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phantom-jacob created a branch on splunk-soar-connectors/servicenow


phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion auth_status_file_path = "{0}/{1}_{2}".format(app_dir, self.get_asset_id(), consts.MSGENTRA_TC_FILE) time_out = False # wait-time while request is being gr...

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion if self._access_token != self._state.get(consts.MSGENTRA_ACCESS_TOKEN_STRING): ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion if not self._non_interactive and self._refresh_token and self._refresh_token != self._state.get(consts.MSGENTRA_REFRESH_TOKEN_STRING): ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion req_url = "{}{}".format(consts.MSGENTRA_LOGIN_BASE_URL, consts.MSGENTRA_SERVER_TOKEN_URL.format(tenant_id=quote(self._tenant))) ret_val, resp_json = self._make_res...

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion if not (self._certificate_thumbprint and self._certificate_private_key): self.save_progress(consts.MSGENTRA_CBA_AUTH_ERROR) return self.set_status(p...

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion headers.update({"User-Agent": consts.MSGENTRA_USER_AGENT.format(product_version=self.get_app_json().get("app_version"))}) ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion return action_result.set_status(phantom.APP_ERROR, consts.MSGENTRA_CBA_KEY_ERROR), None ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion url = f"{consts.MSGENTRA_SOAR_BASE_URL.format(soar_base_url=self.get_phantom_base_url())}{consts.MSGENTRA_SOAR_SYS_INFO_URL} ret_val, resp_json = self._make_rest_cal...

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion rest_endpoint = consts.MSGENTRA_SOAR_ASSET_INFO_URL.format(asset_id=asset_id) url = f"{consts.MSGENTRA_SOAR_BASE_URL.format(soar_base_url=self.get_phantom_base_url()...

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion if consts.MSGENTRA_TOKEN_EXPIRED in action_result.get_message(): ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion "User-Agent": consts.MSGENTRA_USER_AGENT.format(product_version=self.get_app_json().get("app_version")), ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion if not self._non_interactive: token_data = { "client_id": self._client_id, "grant_type": consts.MSGENTRA_REFRESH_TOKEN_STRING, ...

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion return action_result.set_status(phantom.APP_ERROR, status_message=consts.MSGENTRA_TOKEN_NOT_AVAILABLE_MSG), None ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion error_msg = consts.MSGENTRA_ERROR_MSG_UNAVAILABLE ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion def _validate_integer(self, action_result, parameter, key, allow_zero=True): if parameter is not None: try: if not float(parameter).is_inte...

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion state[consts.MSGENTRA_CODE_STRING] = code state[consts.MSGENTRA_STATE_IS_ENCRYPTED] = True except Exception as e: return HttpResponse(f"{consts.MSGENTR...

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion message = "Error from server. Status Code: {0} Error Code: {1} Data from server: {2}".format( response.status_code, resp_json.get("error", {}).ge...

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion if isinstance(resp_json.get("error"), dict) and resp_json.get("error", {}).get(consts.MSGENTRA_CODE_STRING): ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion state = self.check_state_fields(state, encryption_helper.encrypt, consts.MSGENTRA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR) ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion return self.check_state_fields(state, encryption_helper.decrypt, consts.MSGENTRA_DECRYPTION_ERROR) ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
Nit: this is py2-ism ```suggestion super().__init__() ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
```suggestion code = request.GET.get(consts.MSGENTRA_CODE_STRING) ```

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phantom-jacob created a review comment on a pull request on splunk-soar-connectors/msgraphforentra
I actually _hate_ this recommendation from our own app wizard and standards, and I will be eradicating it ASAP. Wildcard imports are a terrible idea ```suggestion import msgraphforentra_consts as...

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