Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
pemba1s1 pushed 1 commit to main pemba1s1/FreeScribe
- install portaudio in postinstall script 29d4d62
pemba1s1 pushed 2 commits to api-on-upgrade ClinicianFOCUS/clinicianfocus-installer
pemba1s1 created a review on a pull request on ClinicianFOCUS/clinicianfocus-installer
pemba1s1 opened a pull request on ClinicianFOCUS/clinicianfocus-installer
[Enhancement] Don't change API key on image update
### Issue - #47 ### Changes - Created new API page in advanced mode. - Checking if env file already exists to know if there is an existing API key. Basic installation uses the existing API k...pemba1s1 created a branch on ClinicianFOCUS/speech2text-container
build-no-cache - Containerized solution for AI speech-to-text that can run locally
pemba1s1 created a branch on ClinicianFOCUS/local-llm-container
build-no-cache - Repository for the setup for a turnkey local llm container to support other activities and tools we are developing.
pemba1s1 created a branch on ClinicianFOCUS/clinicianfocus-installer
api-on-upgrade - Install tool to help with installing the software and tools under development in this applied research project.
pemba1s1 created a branch on ClinicianFOCUS/speech2text-container
api-stt - Containerized solution for AI speech-to-text that can run locally
pemba1s1 opened an issue on ClinicianFOCUS/clinicianfocus-installer
docker build without relying on cache
pemba1s1 created a tag on ClinicianFOCUS/clinicianfocus-installer
v0.0.53.alpha - Install tool to help with installing the software and tools under development in this applied research project.
pemba1s1 created a tag on ClinicianFOCUS/clinicianfocus-installer
v0.0.53.aplha - Install tool to help with installing the software and tools under development in this applied research project.
pemba1s1 closed an issue on ClinicianFOCUS/speech2text-container
Increase Container API limits to 10/s
pemba1s1 opened a pull request on ClinicianFOCUS/clinicianfocus-installer
update readme with public to private
pemba1s1 created a branch on ClinicianFOCUS/clinicianfocus-installer
change-from-public-readme - Install tool to help with installing the software and tools under development in this applied research project.
pemba1s1 created a review comment on a pull request on ClinicianFOCUS/FreeScribe
mutex is closed on application quit
pemba1s1 pushed 1 commit to one-instance ClinicianFOCUS/FreeScribe
- close mutex when application close 3fe0e46
pemba1s1 created a branch on ClinicianFOCUS/local-llm-container
crlf-lf - Repository for the setup for a turnkey local llm container to support other activities and tools we are developing.