Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
pcatalinahe opened a pull request on Johanh0/waves-for-justice
Final commit
finished page, added responsiveness for mobile and tablet, added more resources and images.pcatalinahe opened a pull request on Johanh0/waves-for-justice
Page4 initial push
Added changes for index.html, and pushing the basis of page 4.pcatalinahe pushed 17 commits to catalina-branch Johanh0/waves-for-justice
- Main file structure 55575a1
- Basic html structure a0f0ef6
- HTML basic structure 9107e96
- Navbar first version - it's responsive 78912bf
- First navbar version. (#8) The first version of the navbar with the styles. It is responsive and also has the funct... 1da51e2
- Navbar css in their own file 5917ecb
- Navbar css in their own file (#9) I created a new file for the navbar styles d336b7e
- Added mission statement and Our Why. Styled with css. 2ef5d46
- Footer update d0a23b6
- added branch and files 04d1716
- footer update, merge conflict fixed 44b86d6
- added branch and files (#10) Design layout for best practices page 81f65c4
- Added second statement. 9701208
- Merge branch 'develop' of into kevin-branch 3fa5e02
- Completed mission page with final image. f77426e
- Kevin branch (#11) Completed Mission Statement Page. 55bb2a5
- initial commit 9982412
pcatalinahe opened a pull request on SkyPB/The_Seven_Habits
added content
Added folder with page content.pcatalinahe pushed 2 commits to main pcatalinahe/test
pcatalinahe created a repository: pcatalinahe/test - test with mr tyler
pcatalinahe created a repository: pcatalinahe/AdvancedCSS-Challenge - Week 4 Guided Inquiry
pcatalinahe created a repository: pcatalinahe/AdvancedCSS-Challenge - Week 4 Guided Inquiry
pcatalinahe created a repository: pcatalinahe/Advanced-CSS-Challenge - Week 4 Guided Inquiry
pcatalinahe pushed 1 commit to main pcatalinahe/product-grid
- added comments, removed extra css 38caa64