
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


pauliesnug opened a pull request on Polyfrost/backend
🔨 chore: girls kissing (cant run from the urge (to format code (rust code)
gimme write access uwu also im working on stuff despite the depressive episode. contact me on tumblr if you need something. sorry for being stupid
pauliesnug pushed 1 commit to main pauliesnug/pf-backend
  • 🔨 chore: girls kissing (cant run from the urge (to format code (rust code))) Signed-off-by: Pauline <[email protected]> 9b6a795

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pauliesnug forked Polyfrost/backend


pauliesnug starred PaperMC/Paper
pauliesnug starred jsr-io/jsr-npm
pauliesnug created a comment on an issue on pnpm/pnpm
@zkochan Sorry, to clarify, right now I have a standard pnpm monorepo, with a `package.json` file in each package/app. I use the `bumpp` CLI utility from npm to bump the packages, and `pnpm publish...

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pauliesnug starred raineyidiot/
pauliesnug starred mas-cli/mas
pauliesnug starred Homebrew/homebrew-services
pauliesnug starred Homebrew/homebrew-bundle
pauliesnug starred Homebrew/brew
pauliesnug starred Homebrew/homebrew-cask
pauliesnug deleted a branch pauliesnug/homebrew-cask


pauliesnug opened an issue on pnpm/pnpm
Add JSR (or in general non-npm publishing support) `pnpm publish`
### Contribution - [X] I'd be willing to implement this feature ([contributing guide]( ### Describe the user story I've been using npm and...
pauliesnug created a comment on an issue on antfu/eslint-config
This is already implemented in most configurations, however the `resolveSubOptions` aren't passed (only `getOverrides`) in the factory, despite the fact that almost all configurations support `Opti...

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pauliesnug created a comment on an issue on warpdotdev/Warp

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pauliesnug starred Nyatalieeee/colon3-bot
pauliesnug starred al2na/methylKit
pauliesnug starred whitequark/unfork
pauliesnug starred DBCDK/metamorph
pauliesnug starred unilock/Random-Things
pauliesnug starred whitequark/superlinker
pauliesnug starred whitequark/rust-elf
pauliesnug starred katelyynn/jade
pauliesnug starred unilock/vintage
pauliesnug starred Uproxide/
pauliesnug starred miskeeping/
pauliesnug starred jyn514/cstree
pauliesnug starred jyn514/chumsky
pauliesnug starred OpenWitch/ow-tests
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