Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
mvaivre pushed 1 commit to redesign-and-banxa-rebased alephium/alephium-frontend
- Simplify app header (and sidebar) b26aa06
mvaivre pushed 1 commit to redesign-and-banxa-rebased alephium/alephium-frontend
- React to Banxa purchase (couldn't test it because of Banxa issues) d3d72ca
mvaivre created a review comment on a pull request on alephium/alephium-frontend
So as I've done it in other screens, the paradigm changed: main actions should be at the bottom of the screen, wrapped in a `BottomButtons` container.
mvaivre created a review comment on a pull request on alephium/alephium-frontend
On Android this is gonna be `margin: undefined XXpx`. This doesn't cause any issue?
mvaivre pushed 3 commits to redesign-and-banxa-rebased alephium/alephium-frontend
mvaivre pushed 1 commit to redesign-and-banxa-rebased alephium/alephium-frontend
- Refine connect with ledger btn 1b32d4b
mvaivre pushed 2 commits to fix-wallet-import alephium/alephium-frontend
mvaivre created a branch on alephium/alephium-frontend
update-logo - A monorepo containing all things frontend on Alephium.
mvaivre pushed 13 commits to fix-wallet-import alephium/alephium-frontend
- Pod install 179299e
- Merge pull request #1048 from alephium/fix-ios-font-ilias Fix ios font ilias 6b238c6
- Improve offset top consistency between platforms a061454
- Add DashboardSecondaryButtons with dynamic height 300c3bf
- Fix iOS dashboard secondary buttons tap b49eec9
- Merge pull request #1046 from alephium/fix-dashboard-icons Fix dashboard icons 3225c0b
- Merge pull request #1045 from alephium/fix-ios-font Fix iOS font d681f51
- Add light theme variant in main animation 7ea2ee9
- Merge pull request #1047 from alephium/light-theme-animation Add light theme variant in main animation 0f057f5
- Redesign import method screen b38386a
- Redesigned secret phrase words f5e38c7
- Finished redesigning ImportWalletSeedScreen 1b7335e
- Fix import crash, add support for showing loading spinner in Button 1ec6ad8
mvaivre pushed 2 commits to banxa-next-rebased alephium/alephium-frontend
mvaivre closed a pull request on alephium/alephium-frontend
Add light theme variant in main animation
mvaivre pushed 8 commits to light-theme-animation alephium/alephium-frontend
- Pod install 179299e
- Merge pull request #1048 from alephium/fix-ios-font-ilias Fix ios font ilias 6b238c6
- Improve offset top consistency between platforms a061454
- Add DashboardSecondaryButtons with dynamic height 300c3bf
- Fix iOS dashboard secondary buttons tap b49eec9
- Merge pull request #1046 from alephium/fix-dashboard-icons Fix dashboard icons 3225c0b
- Merge pull request #1045 from alephium/fix-ios-font Fix iOS font d681f51
- Add light theme variant in main animation 7ea2ee9
mvaivre pushed 4 commits to fix-ios-font alephium/alephium-frontend
mvaivre pushed 5 commits to fix-dashboard-icons alephium/alephium-frontend
mvaivre pushed 1 commit to fix-wallet-import alephium/alephium-frontend
- Fix import crash, add support for showing loading spinner in Button f1fcb15
mvaivre pushed 2 commits to fix-ios-font alephium/alephium-frontend
mvaivre closed a pull request on alephium/alephium-frontend
Fix ios font ilias
pod install generates this output to me from your branch. I couldn't run it otherwise cause I'm getting: ``` ❌ error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or upd...mvaivre created a branch on alephium/alephium-frontend
fix-wallet-import - A monorepo containing all things frontend on Alephium.
mvaivre opened a pull request on alephium/alephium-frontend
Add light theme variant in main animation
mvaivre created a branch on alephium/alephium-frontend
light-theme-animation - A monorepo containing all things frontend on Alephium.
mvaivre pushed 1 commit to fix-dashboard-icons alephium/alephium-frontend
- Add DashboardSecondaryButtons with dynamic height 17aabaf