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luciorq created a tag on luciorq/condathis
v0.0.6 - Run any CLI tool on a Reproducible Isolated Environment ⚙️⚡
luciorq pushed 2 commits to main luciorq/condathis
luciorq pushed 5 commits to main luciorq/condathis
luciorq created a tag on luciorq/condathis
v0.0.6 - Run any CLI tool on a Reproducible Isolated Environment ⚙️⚡
luciorq closed an issue on luciorq/condathis
Proposal: WSL Integration for Linux-Based Packages on Windows
To allow Linux-based CLI tools and even R packages that are not natively available on Windows to be run via WSL, this interface will enable seamless execution and compatibility. The following el...luciorq closed an issue on luciorq/condathis
Auto method is not robust enough for using containers as the default backend
The proposed solution would be to use "native" as the default for the `method` argument for `create_env()` and `run()` when Linux x86_64 environments are detected. The main use case here targe...luciorq closed an issue on luciorq/condathis
When the singularity backend is unable to write on disk using apptainer 1.1.6
On `method = "singularity"`, `apptainer exec` is erroring with read-only FS on user bound directory. Apptainer version 1.1.6-1.el7 on "CentOS Linux 7 (Core)". It also doesn't happen with Sylabs...luciorq created a tag on luciorq/condathis
v0.0.5 - Run any CLI tool on a Reproducible Isolated Environment ⚙️⚡
luciorq pushed 1 commit to main luciorq/condathis
- refactor: verbose now uses strategy pattern b9f0eef