Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
loic-sharma created a review comment on a pull request on flutter/packages
What do you think of this? ```suggestion * Removes the need for user permissions to pick an image on iOS 14+. ```
loic-sharma created a review comment on a pull request on flutter/packages
Does anything use `getAssetFromPHPickerResult` now? Can we remove it?
loic-sharma created a review comment on a pull request on flutter/packages
Does anything use `checkPhotoAuthorizationWithPHPicker` now? Can we remove it?
loic-sharma created a review comment on a pull request on flutter/packages
Should we remove this test entirely as this is no longer a concern?
loic-sharma created a comment on an issue on dart-lang/core
> Don't want to have every version of sorting also in the reverse version. Could you expand why not?
loic-sharma pushed 1 commit to main loic-sharma/github-status
- Sort following by last updated 6a9874a
loic-sharma opened an issue on dart-lang/core
Add `IterableExtension.sortedByDescending` to `package:collection`
# Problem To sort `GitHubIssue`s by their `updatedAt` field, descending: ```dart issues.sortedByCompare((issue) => issue.updatedAt, (a, b) => b.compareTo(a)); ``` This is inconvenient. ...loic-sharma opened a draft pull request on flutter/packages
[various] Update example apps' .gitignore
Migrated by running: ``` dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart build-examples --ios --swift-package-manager dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart build-examples --mac...loic-sharma created a branch on loic-sharma/flutter-packages
migrate_gitignore - A collection of useful packages maintained by the Flutter team
loic-sharma opened a draft pull request on flutter/packages
[various] Migrate example apps' AppDelegate.swift
Migrated by running: ``` dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart build-examples --ios --swift-package-manager dart run script/tool/bin/flutter_plugin_tools.dart build-examples --mac...loic-sharma created a branch on loic-sharma/flutter-packages
migrate_app_delegate - A collection of useful packages maintained by the Flutter team