
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


liudonghua123 starred qi4L/qscan
liudonghua123 starred iGaoWei/BigDataView
liudonghua123 starred gdsfactory/gdsfactory
liudonghua123 starred timescale/pgvectorscale
liudonghua123 starred MadcowD/ell
liudonghua123 closed an issue on lfnovo/open-notebook
You are missing some default models and the app will not work as expected. Please, select them on the Models page.
Hi, I tried to run this using docker compose and connect to host ollama, but I got `You are missing some default models and the app will not work as expected. Please, select them on the Models page...
liudonghua123 created a comment on an issue on lfnovo/open-notebook
I can see the models configuration section a few minutes later. ![image](

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liudonghua123 opened an issue on lfnovo/open-notebook
You are missing some default models and the app will not work as expected. Please, select them on the Models page.
Hi, I tried to run this using docker compose and connect to host ollama, but I got `You are missing some default models and the app will not work as expected. Please, select them on the Models page...
liudonghua123 starred FoundationVision/VAR
liudonghua123 starred lfnovo/open-notebook
liudonghua123 starred dunglas/frankenphp
liudonghua123 starred jeessy2/ddns-go
liudonghua123 starred gallonyin/worktool
liudonghua123 starred leancloud/weapp-pay-getting-started
liudonghua123 created a comment on an issue on wux1an/wxapkg
I executed the command again, and some of the applet info shown. And I also noticed this error (`error: 暂未收录 appid 为: wx55bbee4c37b73503的小程序`). Maybe the applet info is requested from thirdparty...

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liudonghua123 created a comment on an issue on wux1an/wxapkg
Same problem when running `wxapkg scan`, only a few applets shown or parsed. But I still can press Enter to process the selected applet. ![image](

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liudonghua123 created a comment on an issue on labring/FastGPT
same problem, `cp ../../projects/app/data/config.json .` fixed.

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liudonghua123 starred VVoruganti/repo-to-prompt
liudonghua123 starred undb-io/undb
liudonghua123 starred easysnmp/easysnmp
liudonghua123 starred lextudio/pysnmp
liudonghua123 starred zabbix/zabbix
liudonghua123 starred esnet/iperf
liudonghua123 starred winpython/winpython
liudonghua123 starred antfu-collective/vitesse-lite
liudonghua123 starred antfu-collective/vitesse
liudonghua123 starred markabrahams/node-net-snmp
liudonghua123 starred japplis/snmp-gui
liudonghua123 opened an issue on gmfcd128/snmpb
how about build the binaries using ci like github action.
Hi, I want to try this tool, but I couldn't find the execute binary, can you provided via github releases?
liudonghua123 starred gmfcd128/snmpb
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