
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


leij0318 starred LC044/WeChatMsg
leij0318 starred neovim/neovim
leij0318 starred sensepost/gowitness
leij0318 starred golang/example
leij0318 starred open-mmlab/Amphion
leij0318 starred usememos/memos
leij0318 starred xaoyaoo/PyWxDump
leij0318 starred RubyMetric/rbenv-for-windows
leij0318 opened an issue on kkzzhizhou/scoop-apps
Hopefully the developers can fix this issue? scoop search
@kkzzhizhou [](url)
leij0318 starred ikunshare/lx-music-mobile-mod
leij0318 starred ihmily/DouyinLiveRecorder
leij0318 starred apache/airflow
leij0318 starred pnpm/pnpm
leij0318 starred 027xiguapi/code-box
leij0318 starred vastsa/FileCodeBox
leij0318 starred pipipi-pikachu/PPTist
leij0318 created a comment on an issue on randy3k/Terminus
> 还发现: `Ctrl+C` 对于选定的文本可以正常工作,但如果没有选择,它会键入字母 “c” 而不是 “^C”。不记录任何 Sublime 命令。 `Ctrl+Z` 执行 “撤消”(不作为例外情况进行侦听 `natural keyboard`)。不记录任何 Sublime 命令。 > > 我有 `"natural_keyboard": true`. @randy3k This...

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leij0318 created a comment on an issue on deniscerri/ytdlnis
[](url) I notice this solution from the yt-dlp official repository. ![image](

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leij0318 created a comment on an issue on deniscerri/ytdlnis
> your cookies are bad, as shown in the error. Delete them and recreate them I have deleted and recreated the cookies several times, but the problem still exists. Is it because the node IP I use...

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leij0318 created a comment on an issue on deniscerri/ytdlnis
> 使用 cookie 来解决这个问题 I'm already logged into my youtube account using cookies. ``` WARNING: skipping cookie file entry due to invalid length 6: '\tTRUE\t/\tTRUE\t13374043424464235\t...

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leij0318 created a comment on an issue on yt-dlp/yt-dlp
> 然后按照说明进行操作并通过提供 cookie 进行登录。 详细日志也不是可选的。 I'm already logged into my youtube account using cookies. ``` WARNING: skipping cookie file entry due to invalid length 6: '\tTRUE\t/\tTR...

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leij0318 starred sveltejs/svelte
leij0318 starred lyswhut/lx-music-mobile
leij0318 starred lyswhut/lx-music-desktop
leij0318 starred zulip/zulip
leij0318 starred dittofeed/dittofeed
leij0318 starred vbenjs/vue-vben-admin
leij0318 starred huntabyte/shadcn-svelte
leij0318 starred birobirobiro/awesome-shadcn-ui
leij0318 starred Skyvern-AI/skyvern
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