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leaandredev pushed 2 commits to develop leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
leaandredev pushed 1 commit to task/AF-461 leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
- [AF-461] feat (FRONT navigation): implement sidenav layout and enhance header visibility ccb309f
leaandredev pushed 3 commits to develop leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
leaandredev closed a pull request on leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
[AF-363] User logout
Implement logout functionality in the user details page and enhance the login component layout with a logout button. Include tests to verify the logout process.leaandredev opened a pull request on leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
[AF-363] User logout
Implement logout functionality in the user details page and enhance the login component layout with a logout button. Include tests to verify the logout process.leaandredev pushed 1 commit to task/AF-363 leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
- [AF-363 feat (FRONT user logout): add test for logout functionality on user details page b6635d9
leaandredev pushed 1 commit to task/AF-363 leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
- feat (FRONT user logout): add logout functionality and update login component layout b38a0aa
leaandredev pushed 10 commits to develop leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
- [AF-441] feat (BACKEND user update): add user update functionality and refactor save method 76b0c7a
- Merge pull request #32 from leaandredev:task/AF-444 [AF-441] feat (BACKEND user update): add user update functionali... ffcefbd
- feat (BACKEND user update): refactor update method to use UserDto and include timestamp 1c91d19
- [AF-446] feat (BACKEND user update): add integration and unit tests for user update functionality 17e6e3f
- Merge pull request #33 from leaandredev:task/AF-446 [AF-446] feat (BACKEND user update) : unit and integration test 81591fe
- [AF-447] feat (FRONT user update): implement user update functionality with form submission and snackbar notification 97afb09
- Merge pull request #34 from leaandredev:task/AF-447 [AF-447] feat (FRONT user update): implement user update functio... dba5444
- [AF-449] feat (FRONT user details): add user update test with form submission and snackbar notification e39e087
- Merge pull request #35 from leaandredev:task/AF-449 [AF-449] feat (FRONT user details): add user update test with fo... cf729b3
- Merge pull request #36 from leaandredev:feature/update-user [AF-362] User details update d850cf5
leaandredev closed a pull request on leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
[AF-362] User details update
Add user update functionality in the backend, including a new update method and integration tests. Update the frontend to handle user updates with form submission and snackbar notifications. Refact...leaandredev opened a pull request on leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
[AF-362] User details update
Add user update functionality in the backend, including a new update method and integration tests. Update the frontend to handle user updates with form submission and snackbar notifications. Refact...leaandredev pushed 2 commits to feature/update-user leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
leaandredev pushed 1 commit to task/AF-449 leaandredev/P6-MDD-Fullstack
- [AF-449] feat (FRONT user details): add user update test with form submission and snackbar notification e39e087