Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to main lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- try again becuse usercontext userProfile is not in the prop ec0a5bf
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to main lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- try again doble fetch profile header and usercontext 440f0a0
lalagrace65 pushed 3 commits to main lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- adding baseurl try to push it in main 79d7ee6
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- for super admin recent activity, visitlogs, not working sa recent act ang signup 17dfca9
lalagrace65 pushed 9 commits to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- Profile Calculate Age 8ed73e6
- Email Register 5006535
- front end book add trail name 510f17e
- book all header tab 6dcc62f
- email of booking fb162fd
- nov 19 merge reward notif forum 8b1ee12
- add security helmet bc7f161
- adding baseUrl 21a2a88
- merged til mobile res (not check) still no the api visit logs and recent act b7dc4b6
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to main lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- trying to resolve flicker notif and profile b3f0331
lalagrace65 pushed 6 commits to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- front end book add trail name 510f17e
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- Saved Profile Data, allow multiple email to book 8a1d625
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- user display travel agency name ddae6ae
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- User add more details in profile 65f5369
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- User add more details in profile 7bb89b0
lalagrace65 pushed 1 commit to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- content TermsCondi and UI adjustment 0ae717c
lalagrace65 pushed 18 commits to grace lalagrace65/hikeko-nov-v2
- nov11 premium subscription ta signup 5de9a2b
- nov 11 basic plan 89490ec
- travelAgency login 078515f
- working fetching of admin details (no design yet) 9ee7f65
- (frontend) feature package with links 76d3f23
- nov 12 premium plan resolve 19fdc33
- (frontend) settings page data input now in text boxes cda1824
- Merge branch 'grace' of into grace 36d6471
- working admin set new pass and can be use for login a114a8b
- settings form update 0afa68a
- upload travel agency avatar b013b3d
- frontend update nov13 -navigation of FAQs and TA login page 1f17503
- added container on admin sidebar (all tabs are clickable) - change path file of staff b41827a
- (frontend update) - about page - TA login - footer links 08b0c99
- (frontend update) About page 22856aa
- modified user schema and fixed routing. can book even if using the new admin accounts with subscription 131edab
- show travel agency business name ede2356
- nov 16 after cherry pick with ok customer front booking details 63f50e5