Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
kangtegong pushed 2 commits to main kangtegong/collaboration
kangtegong pushed 4 commits to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- Commented out all logging configurations and error messages 1eb08f0
- Implement Page Up, Page Down, Home, and End key feature in TUI This commit adds support for the Page Up, Page Down, ... 1fc3ae3
- feat: Add deep-depth example script for TUI scrolling test This commit adds examples/, which recursively... bcd9982
- Merge branch 'main' of into main d52e065
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- Add Windows-specific dependency for curses support and update README - Added `windows-curses` as a Windows-only depe... 4270eb2
kangtegong created a comment on an issue on kangtegong/self-learning-cs2
전송률이 비교적으로 일정하다고 이해해주시면 되겠습니다 회선을 공유하는 패킷 교환 방식에서는 두 호스트가 주고받는 정보의 양이 (다른 호스트가 주고받는 정보에 의해) 들쑥날쑥할 수 있지만 회선 교환은 회선을 점유하기 때문에 전송률이 일정합니다.
kangtegong closed an issue on kangtegong/self-learning-cs2
회선 교환방식 질문 드립니다.
회선 교환방식의 장점으로, 호스트 사이에 연결을 확보한 후에 메시지를 주고받는 특성에 의해서 전송하는 정보의 양이 일정하다라고 되어있는데, 정보의 양이 일정하다라는 말이 이해가 잘 안됩니다!! 두 호스트 만을 위한 전용로가 설정 되었기 때문에 데이터 유실을 최소화하고 서로 송수신해서 안정적이다라고 이해하면될까요?kangtegong pushed 2 commits to main kangtegong/collaboration
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- Update GitHub Actions and README with workflow badges - Renamed workflow files: - Renamed "Test on push" to "push ... 2f9d602
kangtegong pushed 2 commits to main kangtegong/pyftrace
kangtegong pushed 2 commits to feature/tui kangtegong/pyftrace
kangtegong pushed 2 commits to main kangtegong/collaboration
kangtegong closed a pull request on kangtegong/collaboration
add_myname insert
fork- clone - working- pull request testkangtegong pushed 2 commits to feature/tui kangtegong/pyftrace
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- Refactoring - Refactored ``: - Moved `resolve_filename` and `get_line_number` to ``. - Refactore... 9355d55
kangtegong created a branch on kangtegong/pyftrace
feature/tui - low overhead lightweight Python function tracer
kangtegong pushed 3 commits to main kangtegong/pyftrace
kangtegong published a release on kangtegong/pyftrace
### Added - GitHub Workflows. - Introduced `push-test.yml` workflow to automatically run tests on every push. - Added `python-publish.yml` workflow for Python package publishing. ### Chan...kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- release v0.1.2 - GitHub Workflows. - Introduced `push-test.yml` workflow to automatically run tests on every push.... 09b6b23
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- release v0.1.2 - GitHub Workflows. - Introduced `push-test.yml` workflow to automatically run tests on every push.... f24d460
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- release v0.1.2 - GitHub Workflows. - Introduced `push-test.yml` workflow to automatically run tests on every push.... 4122eb4
kangtegong created a tag on kangtegong/pyftrace
v0.1.2 - low overhead lightweight Python function tracer
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- release v0.1.2 - GitHub Workflows. - Introduced `push-test.yml` workflow to automatically run tests on every push.... 485ac2e
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- Refactor tests to use dynamic versioning Updated `test_version_flag_short_v` and `test_version_flag_long_version` in... 6477cd1
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- Refactor tests to use dynamic versioning Updated `test_version_flag_short_v` and `test_version_flag_long_version` in... 348abe9
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- Fail the workflow if any test fails in `tests/` make workflow fail on any test fails d86c238
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- create github workflow: push-test.yml 6d67ded
kangtegong pushed 1 commit to main kangtegong/pyftrace
- create github workflow: push-test.yml 5c91065