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junhaoliao pushed 3 commits to profile junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
- Add back meta "keywords" in index.html ff935ad
junhaoliao created a review comment on a pull request on y-scope/yscope-log-viewer
```suggestion <meta name="keywords" content="yscope clp debug debugging large log logs s3 scanner viewer vscode"> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=...
junhaoliao opened a draft pull request on y-scope/yscope-log-viewer
build: migrate from Webpack to Vite.
<!-- markdownlint-disable MD012 --> <!-- Set the PR title to a meaningful commit message that: * is in imperative form. * follows the Conventional Commits specification (https://www.convent...junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
- Update viewport meta tag in index.html a7269a8
junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
- Update favicon path in index.html 83c57c2
junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
- Add `esModuleInterop` to `tsconfig.node.json` to improve module compatibility. 48aed37
junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
- Disable `noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature` in tsconfig. 221074d
junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
- Refactor timestamp handling to use bigint type d5e189c
junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
- Fix syntax for accessing environment variables 2d7b02a
junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
- Refactor MainWorker imports to use renamed worker file dcdc4b1
junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
- Add jest.config.ts to tsconfig.node.json include list 98687b6
junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
- Add Jest config to TypeScript overrides in ESLint setup 44ddeb4
junhaoliao pushed 2 commits to vite junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
junhaoliao created a branch on junhaoliao/yscope-log-viewer
vite - A tool that can be used to view logs compressed in CLP's IR Stream format.
junhaoliao created a review comment on a pull request on y-scope/clp
i think for now it's fine not to log after init completion, since we don't expect constructor to hang. In cases where the constructor throws, we shall be notified for any exception messages.
junhaoliao created a review comment on a pull request on y-scope/clp
/** * Initializes a Fastify plugin, which decorates the application with an S3 manager at the * "s3Manager" property when all plugin options are valid. */ ```suggestion export default fasti...
junhaoliao created a comment on a pull request on y-scope/clp
I modified the PR title directly.
junhaoliao created a review comment on a pull request on y-scope/clp
```suggestion console.log(`Initializing S3Manager with region="${region}"...`); ```
junhaoliao pushed 1 commit to main y-scope/eslint-config-yscope
- fix(docs): Fix typo in CommonJS Node.js setup example. 68d0c1b