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julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
Is this supposed to be here? Either delete or add a comment indicating that it was left intentionally, like ``` // Uncomment when debugging heartbeat messages ```
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
Excellent error message
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
Is `as RegisterableListener` necessary?
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
Is the `as Y` necessary?
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
It looks like there are 2 separate patterns for changing all the channels. Line 152: `this.userChannelListeners.forEach(l => l.changeChannel(null));` Line 166: ``` for (const l of this.userCha...
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
Is it possible to have a `const request: GetUserChannelsRequest`, for better type safety?
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
Doesn't `console.error` also throw an error? Wouldn't that mean that the next line is both redundant and unreachable?
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
Why convert `const request: BroadcastRequest = { ... }` to `{ ... } as BroadcastRequest`? The first one was a safer use of typescript.
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
So, if someone calls `.addContextListener("fdc3.instrument")`, the context type will get null'd out because I didn't provide a handler? Am I reading that right?
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
If this `console.log` is supposed to be here, please use `console.debug`.
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
If this function is no longer `async`, should it still be marked as returning a `Promise`? Or are all of the returned values promises?
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
Why convert `request: GetCurrentContextRequest = { ... }` to `{ ... } as GetCurrentContextRequest`? The former was a safer use of typescript.
julianna-ciq created a review on a pull request on finos/FDC3
Reviewing files 1-50/132
julianna-ciq created a review on a pull request on finos/FDC3
Reviewing files 1-50/132
julianna-ciq created a comment on an issue on finos/FDC3
Julianna Langston /
julianna-ciq created a comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
I've updated the copy/paste scripts to move the schemas from the correct place.
julianna-ciq pushed 1 commit to monorepo-docusaurus InteropIO/FDC3
- Update schema file generation ae057f4
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
There's a function looking to scan for the folder name "context". That folder only exists within the folder 2.1. I can't change this to "next", because then the rest of the function breaks, because...
julianna-ciq created a comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
> I think moving docs/ into website/ might be a step too far... but I'll leave @kriswest to think about that Docusaurus is pretty opinionated on where the docs files should live. There were a bu...
julianna-ciq created a review comment on a pull request on finos/FDC3
While BrowserTypes.ts does define the type `Fdc3UserInterfaceMessageType`, which lists all of the available names, it's not a constant that could be used elsewhere. So, I've updated the files to...
julianna-ciq created a branch on InteropIO/FDC3
monorepo-docusaurus - Open standards for the financial desktop.
julianna-ciq opened a pull request on finos/FDC3
Move addon package to toolbox/fdc3-for-web/reference-ui
julianna-ciq created a branch on InteropIO/FDC3
move-addon - Open standards for the financial desktop.