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jthrilly pushed 1 commit to riing-2 complexdatacollective/Fresco
- create encrypted background 26d319c
jthrilly created a review on a pull request on complexdatacollective/Architect
Some ideas here for you. Maybe you want to review the docs on redux a bit? Let me know if you want to chat about any of the concepts. This is something I had no idea about for 2+ years, so don't wo...
jthrilly created a review comment on a pull request on complexdatacollective/Architect
Yeah, so as I thought from the way it is used, this is not quite right. `getFilterEdgeWarning` isn't a selector. It computes a value based on two _other_ selectors. So it is just a normal function ...
jthrilly created a review comment on a pull request on complexdatacollective/Architect
```suggestion const showNetworkFilterWarning = useSelector(getShouldShowEdgeFilterWarning) ``` (see below for implementation) As an aside, when you have `useSelector((state) => getEdgeFil...
jthrilly created a review comment on a pull request on complexdatacollective/Architect
```suggestion Stage level network filtering is enabled, but the edge type you want to create on this prompt is not currently included in the filter. This means that t...
jthrilly created a review comment on a pull request on complexdatacollective/Architect
```suggestion You have added stage-level network filtering, but one or more of the edge types displayed or created on this prompt are not currently included in the fi...
jthrilly created a review comment on a pull request on complexdatacollective/Architect
I'm reading this chronologically, but it is suspicious to me that `getEdgeFilterWarning` is being imported from `./selectors` but then isn't used as a selector (via `useSelector`)... 🤔
jthrilly created a review comment on a pull request on complexdatacollective/Architect
Just a note to please check that the `Tip` component is typically rendered with a paragraph inside of it, if you haven't already :)
jthrilly created a review comment on a pull request on complexdatacollective/Architect
While this works, there are a few rough edges with it: - The `edgeCreationValues` and `edgeDisplayValues` variables (derived state) aren't memoized, so they will be recomputed on every render. Thi...
jthrilly created a review comment on a pull request on complexdatacollective/Architect
Nice improvement!
jthrilly pushed 2 commits to master complexdatacollective/service-status
jthrilly pushed 1 commit to master complexdatacollective/service-status
- bento: Update graphs [skip ci] 9a9ca9b
jthrilly pushed 6 commits to master complexdatacollective/service-status
- 🟩 Project homepage is up (200 in 415 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] f7ba231
- 🟩 Documentation site is up (200 in 107 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] b7d3c69
- 🟩 User community is up (200 in 252 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] 80968db
- 🟩 Partner services is up (200 in 334 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] 35c6d56
- 🟩 Fresco Sandbox is up (308 in 273 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] 609a995
- 🟩 Complex Data Collective website is up (200 in 235 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] 051fa07
jthrilly opened a draft pull request on complexdatacollective/Fresco
Implement OneToManyDyadCensus and Anonymisation Interfaces
jthrilly pushed 1 commit to riing-2 complexdatacollective/Fresco
- make Node components compatible with framer motion faf9c65