This belongs elsewhere (as you suggest in #184), since the CRAN website is not part of (base) R's documentation, so we can delete this.
This also applies to documentation issues in the base R packages, or other packages maintained by the R Core Team. Here we can link to
Add/update links:
1. Contributing to bug fixing: Refer to [Issue Tracking](#IssueTrack) and [Reviewing Bugs](#ReviewBugs).
2. Contributing to translations: Refer to [Translations](...
Thanks for building on @SJaffa's PR. I have suggested various minor changes, some of which are updates to content that has been moved around - although you/Sarah didn't write this it would be good ...
Thanks for building on @SJaffa's PR. I have suggested various minor changes, some of which are updates to content that has been moved around - although you/Sarah didn't write this it would be good ...
We created drafts of lesson material based on the Collaboration Campfires:
Would be nice to ...
If we get more experience with weblate in the next month or two, it could be worth adding to the guide. This may be too late for GSoD2022 but adding here in case we have time.
The uses of git covered by the guide (forking git mirror to test contributions, or contributing to the guide itself) do not require people to be familiar with the git commands or to use a particul...
For r-devel/r-svn SVN mirror:
Find attached an easy to use GIT Cheatsheet:
And an easy to use GIT ...
I'd argue that with we no longer need to understand SVN to submit a patch to the Bugzilla system. It also brings the huge advantage that the patch is tested by Git...
I'm unable to find the guide in my top links on
It might be helpful to submit whatever SEO or whatever is necessary so that the link:
show's ...
We could do with more documentation on the development lifecycle of R, see, in particular explaining what the alpha, beta and RC (release candidate) version...
It also works for me on screen, with all the on-screen output types ("" or "native" or "Cocoa"). I haven't updated to latest R-devel though.
Maybe double-check by closing the device and running ...
For functions outside of the base package, `isGeneric()` works when the function is passed to the `fdef` argument
> methods::isGeneric(fdef = Matrix::cbind2)
[1] TRUE
This doesn't...
I applied it to 2024-11-18 r87347. The last change to `src/library/grDevices/src/devQuartz.c` in R-devel was 4 months ago so it is probably fine to test on any version since then. That said, there ...
Currently the Slack reports only summarise base R components - would be good to track changes in recommended packages too.
The New Contributors table seems to repeat the same full "Full name" fo...
Feedback from Kurt:
> Thanks. I'll have a look, but I need to take a closer look to ensure
that we're get()ting functions only once, as this is slow.
> (Ideally such patches would have som...