
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


hockdudu starred dominictarr/rc
hockdudu starred gaphor/gaphor
hockdudu starred bjornbytes/lovr
hockdudu starred varnishcache/varnish-cache
hockdudu starred ueberdosis/hocuspocus
hockdudu starred ueberdosis/tiptap
hockdudu starred braid-org/braid-spec
hockdudu starred Merrit/nyrna
hockdudu created a comment on a pull request on KilledByAPixel/LittleJS
I just noticed there are other exports that are missing from ESM as well, like `isIntersecting`, `isColor`, and the constant colors (`BLACK`, `BLUE`, `CYAN`, etc.). Should everything from the do...

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hockdudu created a comment on a pull request on KilledByAPixel/LittleJS
I see LittleJS has a pretty simple build system. I suppose this is on purpose, to make the engine accessible to everyone? I'm wondering if the ESM exports could be automated somehow...

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hockdudu opened a pull request on KilledByAPixel/LittleJS
Add `engineObjectsRaycast` to ESM exports
Fixes #115
hockdudu pushed 1 commit to main hockdudu/LittleJS
  • Add `engineObjectsRaycast` to ESM exports 4431d1f

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hockdudu forked KilledByAPixel/LittleJS


hockdudu opened an issue on KilledByAPixel/LittleJS
Method `engineObjectsRaycast` not exported to ESM build
The method `engineObjectsRaycast` is present, but it isn't exported on `littlejs.esm.js`.
hockdudu created a comment on an issue on KilledByAPixel/LittleJS
Is it possible for the plugin system to also support ESM integration?

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hockdudu starred Seldaek/monolog
hockdudu starred kdeldycke/awesome-falsehood
hockdudu starred valkey-io/valkey
hockdudu starred piskelapp/piskel
hockdudu starred jbunke/stipple-effect
hockdudu starred jvalen/pixel-art-react
hockdudu starred cloudhead/rx
hockdudu starred LibreSprite/LibreSprite
hockdudu starred colyseus/colyseus
hockdudu starred evanw/esbuild
hockdudu starred KilledByAPixel/LittleJS
hockdudu starred FixTweet/FxTwitter
hockdudu starred tstack/lnav
hockdudu starred fail2ban/fail2ban
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