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hayes-mysten created a review comment on a pull request on MystenLabs/sui
```suggestion const signer = await PasskeyKeypair.getPasskeyInstance(); ```
hayes-mysten created a review comment on a pull request on MystenLabs/sui
why did we end up making the pubkey part of the useSignature at this level, rather than having it added in the outer layer like all the other keypairs? This causes the whole signWithIntent flow to...
hayes-mysten created a review comment on a pull request on MystenLabs/sui
```suggestion const signer = await PasskeyKeypair.getPasskeyInstance(); ```
hayes-mysten created a review comment on a pull request on MystenLabs/sui
Is this.publicKey already in the right form? It is already a 33 bytes UInt8Array as far as I can tell. I would expect that the compressedPubKey in the signature would match the rawBytes from the ...
hayes-mysten pushed 1 commit to mh--add-legacy-address-flag-to-zklogin-methods MystenLabs/sui
- Migrate zksend sdk methods to sui sdk 031fe62
hayes-mysten pushed 1 commit to mh--add-legacy-address-flag-to-zklogin-methods MystenLabs/sui
- Migrate zksend sdk methods to sui sdk 7ea7ad5
hayes-mysten pushed 1 commit to mh--add-legacy-address-flag-to-zklogin-methods MystenLabs/sui
- Migrate zksend sdk methods to sui sdk cbef8a6
hayes-mysten closed a pull request on MystenLabs/sui
[docker] enable multi-arch builds for docker images
## Description Describe the changes or additions included in this PR. ## Test plan How did you test the new or updated feature? --- ## Release notes Check each box that your cha...hayes-mysten pushed 1 commit to mh--docker-multi-arch-builds MystenLabs/sui
- don't specify platforms in f2a178e
hayes-mysten opened a pull request on MystenLabs/sui
[docker] enable multi-arch builds for docker images
## Description Describe the changes or additions included in this PR. ## Test plan How did you test the new or updated feature? --- ## Release notes Check each box that your cha...hayes-mysten created a branch on MystenLabs/sui
mh--docker-multi-arch-builds - Sui, a next-generation smart contract platform with high throughput, low latency, and an asset-oriented programming model powered by the Move programming language
hayes-mysten pushed 1 commit to main MystenLabs/sui
- Version Packages (#20351) This PR was opened by the [Changesets release]( GitH... 481aab6