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handotdev pushed 1 commit to han/styling-improvements mintlify/docs
- Use inter variable for font on headers 38f923d
handotdev created a repository: handotdev/tidbyt-last-docs-update
handotdev created a review comment on a pull request on mdx-editor/editor
interesting variable naming. why is this?
handotdev pushed 1 commit to main mintlify/docs
- Update card with image (#326) * Update card with image * Update card * Updatate card 2f3d1c5
handotdev created a review comment on a pull request on mintlify/docs
I love moo deng, but can we get a more gradient image from James so it's a bit more on brand? Alternatively, we've used hd images from national parks in other places
handotdev pushed 1 commit to main mintlify/docs
- Re-add changelogs (#313) * Re-add changelogs * Update link * Add google login * Update advanced location d94aadd