Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
erights pushed 1 commit to markm-use-no-trapping-shim endojs/endo
- feat(ses,pass-style): use no-trapping integrity level for safety 5bc9589
erights pushed 1 commit to markm-use-no-trapping-shim endojs/endo
- feat(ses,pass-style): use no-trapping integrity level for safety 49d9dfb
erights pushed 1 commit to markm-use-no-trapping-shim endojs/endo
- feat(ses,pass-style): use no-trapping integrity level for safety 86f8a8c
erights pushed 1 commit to markm-use-no-trapping-shim endojs/endo
- feat(ses,pass-style): use no-trapping integrity level for safety 620eeff
erights pushed 1 commit to markm-use-no-trapping-shim endojs/endo
- feat(ses,pass-style): use no-trapping integrity level for safety 55ccd2f
erights pushed 1 commit to markm-use-no-trapping-shim endojs/endo
- feat(ses,pass-style): use no-trapping integrity level for safety 89bbaa5
erights pushed 1 commit to markm-use-no-trapping-shim endojs/endo
- feat(ses,pass-style): use no-trapping integrity level for safety de8232c
erights created a review comment on a pull request on endojs/endo
Changing to ```suggestion Fail`Cannot pass trapping objects like ${inner}. Use harden()`; ``` would technically be more correct. But will less often be understood.
erights created a review comment on a pull request on endojs/endo
Changing this to ```suggestion (!!check && CX(check)`A tagRecord must be no-trapping: ${tagRecord}`)) && ``` is technically more correct. But will be understood much less often.
erights pushed 1 commit to markm-use-no-trapping-shim endojs/endo
- feat(ses,pass-style): use no-trapping integrity level for safety dde0022