Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
epwinchell pushed 3 commits to master RedHatInsights/frontend-components
epwinchell closed a pull request on RedHatInsights/frontend-components
Fix: PageHeader component
Jira: Follow-up to: Replace FlexItem with div so that the previously added class...epwinchell created a comment on a pull request on RedHatInsights/frontend-components
@fhlavac No, but this is marked as a major issue and a simple fix. I thought I would revisit using ContentHeader afterward.
epwinchell pushed 1 commit to page_header_fix epwinchell/frontend-components
- update snapshot d0b77c9
epwinchell pushed 2 commits to master RedHatInsights/frontend-components
epwinchell closed a pull request on RedHatInsights/frontend-components
Upgrade utility classes to PF5
Jira: opened a pull request on RedHatInsights/frontend-components
Upgrade utility classes to PF5
epwinchell opened a pull request on RedHatInsights/notifications-frontend
fix: upgrade utility classes to PF5
### Description <!-- Must include 2-3 sentence summary of proposed changes --> <!-- Must include links to impacted UI(s) or information regarding the impacted UI --> <!-- Must include any releva...epwinchell created a branch on epwinchell/notifications-frontend
pf5 - Frontend for the notifications app
epwinchell pushed 3 commits to master RedHatInsights/insights-rbac-ui
epwinchell closed a pull request on RedHatInsights/insights-rbac-ui
fix: convert utility classes to PF5
### Description Convert PF Utility class names to PF5 <!-- Must include 2-3 sentence summary of proposed changes --> <!-- Must include links to impacted UI(s) or information regarding the impact...epwinchell opened a pull request on RedHatInsights/insights-rbac-ui
fix: convert utility classes to PF5
### Description <!-- Must include 2-3 sentence summary of proposed changes --> <!-- Must include links to impacted UI(s) or information regarding the impacted UI --> <!-- Must include any releva...epwinchell pushed 397 commits to master epwinchell/sources-ui
- README fix e8304c2
- Bump @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilities Bumps [@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilitie... a64e856
- Bump @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config Bumps [@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config](htt... 48b55d3
- Merge pull request #1003 from RedHatInsights/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config... da89d0c
- Merge pull request #1002 from RedHatInsights/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilit... 162d140
- Bump @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components from 3.9.25 to 3.9.27 Bumps [@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-compone... 95ca5a8
- Bump @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilities Bumps [@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilitie... 56438fd
- Merge pull request #1005 from RedHatInsights/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-3.9.27 59b15d5
- Merge pull request #1006 from RedHatInsights/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-utilit... 3fea88f
- Lift unwanted useFlag hook up to the component 7f490ac
- Merge pull request #1008 from fhlavac/useFlag Lift unwanted useFlag hook up to the component 9becb58
- Update links to docs 65037bc
- Merge pull request #1009 from fhlavac/docs Update links to docs 37edbbb
- Bump @patternfly/react-core from 4.264.0 to 4.267.6 Bumps [@patternfly/react-core]( 2c673fa
- Merge pull request #1012 from RedHatInsights/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/patternfly/react-core-4.267.6 aeb4ea0
- Bump @patternfly/react-table from 4.111.45 to 4.112.6 Bumps [@patternfly/react-table]( 64dc728
- Merge pull request #1010 from RedHatInsights/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/patternfly/react-table-4.112.6 30bc233
- Bump @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config Bumps [@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config](htt... 7b5a5a1
- Bump @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config-utilities Bumps [@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-c... 26eea35
- Bump @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components from 3.9.27 to 3.9.28 Bumps [@redhat-cloud-services/frontend-compone... e2c75b9
- and 377 more ...
epwinchell pushed 1018 commits to master epwinchell/insights-rbac-ui
- Merge branch 'master' into new_prefix 630ebbc
- Prevent deleted group from remaining selected 35c6619
- OUIA for the add role button f690b80
- more updates 8c6b426
- Merge pull request #890 from epwinchell/new_prefix update class names 98c7fb3
- Merge branch 'master' into unselect-group beaea37
- Merge pull request #893 from fhlavac/unselect-group Prevent deleted group from remaining selected 9a251ff
- Fix filter persisting after leaving User detail cfb7432
- Merge pull request #894 from fhlavac/fix-users-filter Fix filter persisting after leaving User detail e45c780
- Merge branch 'master' into ouia-add-role-button ff374d5
- Merge pull request #891 from john-dupuy/ouia-add-role-button OUIA for the add role button d4aa9e2
- Fix changing order of pagination URL params 8c624d4
- Add verify params present in URL functions beb0a8b
- Do not reset search params on nav click 68ef698
- Update snapshot 2f271ea
- Merge pull request #892 from fhlavac/avoid-pagination-reset 4f98086
- Use display_name for User detail a1a1a58
- Merge pull request #901 from fhlavac/use-display-name Use display_name for User detail 5256f70
- Make onSort use the right sortByIndex 9789f2f
- Merge pull request #902 from fhlavac/fix-api-calls Make onSort use the right sortByIndex 157625e
- and 998 more ...