Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
cusherahkugan pushed 10 commits to final Anuraj2601/Eventix
- notification service 20a95d3
- fetch notifications 3131dc4
- fetch club details 0f84d37
- format date 1e534dc
- mark all as read e869617
- mark all as read error fixed c044281
- sort notifications from date posted d85d2d7
- unread notifications count 41c2632
- the meeting copy page fixed d928083
- Merge branch 'dinithi2' into final 6d0c081
cusherahkugan pushed 11 commits to final Anuraj2601/Eventix
- error to send qr code email a5eb329
- online meeting change a66bde9
- forntend strted for qr code passing a3ae1ac
- mainmeeting started 81618af
- mainmeeting started f00aea4
- started fc62940
- qr code success f0992ab
- Merge branch 'final' into Anuraj 5d1ae20
- Revert "Merge branch 'final' into Anuraj" This reverts commit 5d1ae20b486fe38f54dcfbfb19640cf126ce1ea5, reversing ch... eb2720f
- Reapply "Merge branch 'final' into Anuraj" This reverts commit eb2720fe359ec8ed7585f71df382586e51272eac. b25b86e
- merge success 271a576
cusherahkugan pushed 1 commit to Anuraj Anuraj2601/Eventix
- Reapply "Merge branch 'final' into Anuraj" This reverts commit eb2720fe359ec8ed7585f71df382586e51272eac. b25b86e
cusherahkugan pushed 1 commit to Anuraj Anuraj2601/Eventix
- Revert "Merge branch 'final' into Anuraj" This reverts commit 5d1ae20b486fe38f54dcfbfb19640cf126ce1ea5, reversing ch... eb2720f
cusherahkugan pushed 66 commits to Anuraj Anuraj2601/Eventix
- Merge pull request #232 from Anuraj2601/main Merge pull request #231 from Anuraj2601/Dinithi 514a5cb
- Merge pull request #233 from Anuraj2601/main pull 4cf6d51
- Merge pull request #235 from Anuraj2601/main PULL 8a118f2
- Merge pull request #236 from Anuraj2601/main pull 0c5f6c5
- event oc list fetched 6b3ba8d
- Merge branch 'main' of c22b2a9
- Merge pull request #238 from Anuraj2601/main pull 14cf264
- event feedback service ae51875
- attendance pie chart started 0ac423f
- save feedback 93bbac4
- dashboatrd completely done f705985
- Edit Event 8f9c7fe
- Merge branch 'main' into dhanushika 47afc7d
- Merge pull request #239 from Anuraj2601/dhanushika Dhanushika e3dcbe2
- event name switched 14e5765
- Merge branch 'main' of c02e834
- report evntname done 2a98600
- report done 56661a9
- already regsitered dashbaird upcoming deeabed
- Merge branch 'main' into cusherah 56080c0
- and 46 more ...
cusherahkugan pushed 1 commit to Anuraj Anuraj2601/Eventix
- forntend strted for qr code passing a3ae1ac