Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
cusherahkugan pushed 1 commit to Anuraj Anuraj2601/Eventix-Spring
- email servce conflict error fixed ea53cc1
cusherahkugan pushed 26 commits to Anuraj Anuraj2601/Eventix-Spring
- Merge pull request #101 from Anuraj2601/main Merge pull request #100 from Anuraj2601/Dinithi bbd9c5b
- Get data from the database for the profile for the all users. Created the profile to upload a profile picture and upd... cbba07b
- Merge branch 'main' of 2a73ca3
- Merge pull request #102 from Anuraj2601/main PULL 24da7f7
- Merge pull request #103 from Anuraj2601/main pull 0298777
- event feedback started da8c01a
- event feedback completed caa1ca2
- event feedback error fixed b6aa780
- Merge pull request #105 from Anuraj2601/main pull 2f370ca
- Edit Event d9759ad
- Merge branch 'main' into dhanushika c3259f2
- Merge pull request #106 from Anuraj2601/dhanushika Dhanushika aaf038d
- Mailing the Club incharge after Fully Accepted an event request dedfaa0
- Merge pull request #107 from Anuraj2601/dhanushika Mailing the Club in charge after Fully Accepted an event request a49f5f7
- Merge branch 'dhanushika' of 9f9935d
- participant 215b2f1
- Merge branch 'cusherah' fd239be
- Merge branch 'main' of C:\xampp\htdocs\eventix with conflicts. d0dd931
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' 543d851
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Uththara' into Uththara # Conflicts: # src/main/java/com/example/eventix/contro... 205c295
- and 6 more ...
cusherahkugan pushed 153 commits to kokul3 Anuraj2601/Eventix
- Done changes in messages 2ebbbe0
- Merge branch 'main' of into Uththara 1275bc5
- Get event images and event descriptions for the frontend of the dashboard 03fea1e
- Get event images and relevant data to the student dashboard 9c2bf45
- Merge branch 'main' of into Uththara 60aded8
- Merge pull request #210 from Anuraj2601/main Merge pull request #209 from Anuraj2601/Dinithi cd3ea4f
- Merge pull request #214 from Anuraj2601/main pull chnages 5de4225
- Merge pull request #216 from Anuraj2601/main pull chnges 3a42ea5
- event meeting service 33439f3
- Merge pull request #218 from Anuraj2601/main pull 99fe09f
- Merge branch 'Dinithi' of into Dinithi 270e3a5
- fetch event meetings 6561c53
- Merge pull request #219 from Anuraj2601/Dinithi Dinithi 8c6968c
- Merge pull request #220 from Anuraj2601/main Merge pull request #219 from Anuraj2601/Dinithi 99dfe3c
- format date 1f010aa
- Club report 75 percent done 3e2abdb
- meeting scroll and sentenced 541ac5c
- club reprt 80 percent done ae2eb4c
- error fixed in meeting b9d5b73
- Merge pull request #221 from Anuraj2601/Anuraj error fixed in meeting 8cdb8ad
- and 133 more ...
cusherahkugan pushed 4 commits to main Anuraj2601/Eventix
cusherahkugan pushed 13 commits to cusherah Anuraj2601/Eventix
- Mailing the Club incharge after Fully Accepted an event request eef48a2
- Merge branch 'main' into dhanushika 5d750bb
- Merge pull request #240 from Anuraj2601/dhanushika Dhanushika 60fe2ba
- Merge branch 'main' of 782788f
- current date meeting done 9b65803
- userid removed from upcoming 8493bfe
- attendance fetched 8ee6b4f
- attendance success 62c560d
- finalisst alomost done 7eb15c2
- vertical cards finalists 591cd5a
- side navbar 835f7c5
- finalist done 3a1e62f
- Merge branch 'main' into cusherah f3b32d8
cusherahkugan pushed 2 commits to main Anuraj2601/Eventix-Spring
cusherahkugan pushed 5 commits to main Anuraj2601/Eventix
cusherahkugan pushed 16 commits to cusherah Anuraj2601/Eventix
- changes 1f3f310
- changes 6960e23
- Merge branch 'main' into Anuraj f6b1e3b
- Merge pull request #237 from Anuraj2601/Anuraj Anuraj 30e8c71
- event oc list fetched 6b3ba8d
- Merge branch 'main' of c22b2a9
- attendance pie chart started 0ac423f
- dashboatrd completely done f705985
- Edit Event 8f9c7fe
- Merge branch 'main' into dhanushika 47afc7d
- Merge pull request #239 from Anuraj2601/dhanushika Dhanushika e3dcbe2
- event name switched 14e5765
- Merge branch 'main' of c02e834
- report evntname done 2a98600
- report done 56661a9
- Merge branch 'main' into cusherah 56080c0
cusherahkugan pushed 1 commit to cusherah Anuraj2601/Eventix
- already regsitered dashbaird upcoming deeabed