Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.
carterm created a branch on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
reduce-SVG-LA-fires-get-help-in-person-wait-times-placeholder - This is the code base and project location for the portal redesign starting of 2023.
carterm pushed 1 commit to reduce-LA-fires-get-help-in-person-wait-times-placeholder Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
- new hash a2da6ee
carterm pushed 26 commits to reduce-LA-fires-get-help-in-person-wait-times-placeholder Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
- fixed homepage qa issues 2de99c4
- added screen reader text describling background image 80e06f1
- Fixed Plan your in-person visit page aa76e31
- updated GEt help in person page 6f4976b
- updated volunteer page 144de91
- Merge pull request #759 from Office-of-Digital-Services/qa1 fixed homepage qa issues 3880f2b
- Global a11y issues fixes 23874e7
- Merge pull request #760 from Office-of-Digital-Services/global Global a11y issues fixes 38a77d1
- Make Page title heading level 2 <h2> with correct spacing ddcbffb
- real info page fixes 24f4ac8
- updated start your recovery page 8851fbd
- updated return to your home page 04cbbe0
- updated help your business page 8e990c0
- fixed plan your in person visit page 6cafe2d
- fixed description 4e8f2aa
- Merge pull request #762 from Office-of-Digital-Services/qa2 Qa2 9f42842
- Updated survey section 47358ff
- updated get help in person page b1b0ed5
- alt text update 5e89838
- Fixed the button 930d081
- and 6 more ...
carterm pushed 1 commit to reduce-LA-fires-get-help-in-person-wait-times-placeholder Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
- scale 40aa3a3
carterm pushed 1 commit to reduce-LA-fires-get-help-in-person-wait-times-placeholder Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
- ready to scale 9b5f952
carterm pushed 2 commits to reduce-LA-fires-get-help-in-person-wait-times-placeholder Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
carterm pushed 1 commit to reduce-LA-fires-get-help-in-person-wait-times-placeholder Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
- reduce b3d28ab
carterm created a branch on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
reduce-LA-fires-get-help-in-person-wait-times-placeholder - This is the code base and project location for the portal redesign starting of 2023.
carterm closed a pull request on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
Reduce topic2 lineart size
23,148 bytes -> 12,507 bytescarterm opened a pull request on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
Reduce topic2 lineart size
23,148 bytes -> 12,507 bytescarterm pushed 1 commit to reduce-topic2-lineart Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
- new hash 4f53776
carterm pushed 2 commits to reduce-topic2-lineart Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
carterm pushed 1 commit to reduce-topic2-lineart Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
- no commas 5e153f0
carterm created a branch on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
reduce-topic2-lineart - This is the code base and project location for the portal redesign starting of 2023.
carterm created a comment on a pull request on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
accident to main
carterm closed a pull request on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
Removed script from % containment fire damage map - DEV
carterm pushed 1 commit to dev Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
- Revert "Merge branch 'dev' into backsync-main-to-dev" This reverts commit 6ee707d0a5e824c3b463e598c2af04696899032b, ... a3cd0b4
carterm created a review on a pull request on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
ok this will work i think
carterm created a branch on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
main-to-dev-3 - This is the code base and project location for the portal redesign starting of 2023.
carterm created a branch on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
main-to-dev-2-3 - This is the code base and project location for the portal redesign starting of 2023.
carterm created a branch on Office-of-Digital-Services/cagovportal
main-to-dev-2 - This is the code base and project location for the portal redesign starting of 2023.