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cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Windows: Could not find data file templates/titlepage.tex
Mit dem Docker-Aufruf scheint es unter Windows/WSL noch Probleme mit den Pfaden und/oder Berechtigungen zu geben. Ein `make simple` bricht mit dem Fehler `Could not find data file templates/titlepa...
cagix closed a pull request on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Makefile: use variables for wrkdir, usrid, grpid
Under Windows, resolving the commands does not seem to work in the Docker call. Potential workaround: move commands to separate Makefile variables and set them via shell resolution. fixes #75
cagix pushed 1 commit to fix_windows cagix/pandoc-thesis
  • set workdir and user explicitly b108ffc

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cagix opened a pull request on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Makefile: use variables for wrkdir, usrid, grpid
Under Windows, resolving the commands does not seem to work in the Docker call. Potential workaround: move commands to separate Makefile variables and set them via shell resolution. fixes #75
cagix created a branch on cagix/pandoc-thesis

fix_windows - Pandoc Thesis Template: A Template for Thesis Documents written in Markdown

cagix forked nevalang/neva


cagix deleted a branch cagix/pandoc-thesis


cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Add GH-Action to build automatically
Shall we use our Docker image or run this code directly on the Ubuntu runner?
cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Add GH-Action to build automatically
Shall we use our Docker image or run this code directly on the Ubuntu runner?
cagix pushed 1 commit to master cagix/pandoc-thesis
  • add GitHub workflow to compile the document (#74) fixes #12 8e732b8

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cagix closed a pull request on cagix/pandoc-thesis
add GitHub workflow to compile the document
fixes #12
cagix pushed 1 commit to action cagix/pandoc-thesis
  • add second workflow for the simple style 7f6f574

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cagix pushed 1 commit to action cagix/pandoc-thesis

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cagix pushed 1 commit to action cagix/pandoc-thesis

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cagix pushed 1 commit to action cagix/pandoc-thesis

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cagix opened a pull request on cagix/pandoc-thesis
add GitHub workflow to compile the document
cagix created a branch on cagix/pandoc-thesis

action - Pandoc Thesis Template: A Template for Thesis Documents written in Markdown

cagix starred cyberglot/faeth
cagix pushed 1 commit to master cagix/pandoc-thesis
  • reformat Readme (internal markdown formatting) 364a52b

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cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Templates einbinden
- [ ] CleanThesis: - [ ] per Git Submodule, - [ ] pull im Makefile, oder - [ ] TexLive-Paket ("texlive-publishers")? - [ ] Eisvogel: - [ ] per Git Submodule, - [ ] pull im...
cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Templates einbinden
- [ ] CleanThesis: - [ ] per Git Submodule, - [ ] pull im Makefile, oder - [ ] TexLive-Paket ("texlive-publishers")? - [ ] Eisvogel: - [ ] per Git Submodule, - [ ] pull im...
cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Update to Eisvogel v3.1.0 --- Alternativ gleich `pandoc/extra` nehmen - dort ist sowohl Pandoc als auch Eisvogel bereits drin und es gibt das Image...
cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Update to Eisvogel v3.1.0 --- Alternativ gleich `pandoc/extra` nehmen - dort ist sowohl Pandoc als auch Eisvogel bereits drin und es gibt das Image...
cagix deleted a branch cagix/pandoc-thesis


cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Rework Docker Image
- [ ] Basisimage: Ubuntu oder Debian? - [ ] Pandoc: Manuelle Installation, per Kommentar auch für M1 vorsehen - [ ] TexLive: über Debian-Pakete oder über TLMGR? - [ ] CleanThesis und Eisvogel: h...
cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Rework Docker Image
- [ ] Basisimage: Ubuntu oder Debian? - [ ] Pandoc: Manuelle Installation, per Kommentar auch für M1 vorsehen - [ ] TexLive: über Debian-Pakete oder über TLMGR? - [ ] CleanThesis und Eisvogel: h...
cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Fix Readme: Linux User IDs
In der Readme fehlt ein Hinweis zum Eintragen der eigenen User und Group ID in `docker/dockerfile.df` vor dem Bauen des Images via `make docker`
cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Fix Readme: Linux User IDs
In der Readme fehlt ein Hinweis zum Eintragen der eigenen User und Group ID in `docker/dockerfile.df` vor dem Bauen des Images via `make docker`
cagix closed an issue on cagix/pandoc-thesis
Docker: Switch to pandoc/extra
[pandoc/extra]( will include Eisvogel as well as all LaTeX packages needed from
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