
Browse the timeline of events for every public repo on GitHub. Data updated hourly from GH Archive.


axel37 starred addyosmani/chatty
axel37 starred prometheus/prometheus
axel37 starred AnySoftKeyboard/AnySoftKeyboard
axel37 starred Julow/Unexpected-Keyboard
axel37 starred HadesVR/HadesVR
axel37 starred faisalsayed10/firefiles
axel37 starred CozyCubeGames/godot-lines-and-trails-3d
axel37 starred fr3ts0n/AndrOBD
axel37 starred HungryProton/monitor_overlay
axel37 starred mawoka-myblock/ClassQuiz
axel37 starred 2Retr0/GodotOceanWaves
axel37 starred Pineapple/GodotTracy
axel37 starred betalars/line-renderer
axel37 starred andrei-drexler/ironwail
axel37 starred LuiseFreese/BlueSkyTerminal
axel37 starred lucahammer/tweetXer
axel37 created a comment on an issue on pkdawson/imgui-godot
I faced a similar issue while trying to set up a debug overlay. Here, I'm trying to update a variable stored in a `Global` autoload. It seems that **setters aren't called** : ```gdscript va...

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axel37 starred jhlothamer/godot_open_editors
axel37 starred kahanscious/godot-function-autocomplete
axel37 starred HLCaptain/proto-shape
axel37 starred Maran23/script-ide
axel37 starred PunchablePlushie/godot-game-settings
axel37 starred HungryProton/scatter
axel37 starred yuliskov/SmartTube
axel37 starred rochacbruno/marmite
axel37 starred sherlock-project/sherlock
axel37 starred elliotgao2/toapi
axel37 starred s0md3v/XSStrike
axel37 starred s0md3v/Striker
axel37 starred fsociety-team/fsociety
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