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andig created a comment on an issue on evcc-io/evcc
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andig created a comment on an issue on evcc-io/evcc
andig closed an issue on evcc-io/evcc
Tariffs: publish forecast
I have been looking for a way to get the future Tibber prices as a sensor. There are some ways to get them, but they seem quite cumbersome to configure. I have EVCC configured to send the data to M...andig opened a pull request on evcc-io/evcc
Tariffs: publish forecast
Fix TODO - [ ] figure out planner - [ ] figure out co2 forecastandig closed an issue on evcc-io/evcc
Error modbus: exception '3' (illegal data value), function '16
### Describe the bug Hallo zusammen, bei unsere Wallbox APL eMH1, die über den originalen Modbus USB Adapter mit einem Raspberry Pi (evcc Installation) kommuniziert, kommt wenn wir unseren Rena...andig closed an issue on evcc-io/evcc
Batterie läd immer nur 50%
### Describe the bug die Haus Batterie läd immer nur +50% obwohl ein viel größerer Zeitpunkt angegeben ist. E3DC S10E 18Kwh []( pushed 1 commit to master evcc-io/evcc
- E3DC: increase battery charge energy amount for larger capacities (#18011) ff5ad90